Sunday 27 December 2020

Friday 25th December 2020

Got up and turned the oven on...par-baked croissants went in for 20 minutes, and were devoured with Katrina’s lemon curd, washed down with a Buck’s Fizz. FaceTimed ma and pa, who were entertaining Kath...opened their presents for them on screen! Then got stuck into preparing Xmas dinner. Avocado and crab to start, which Aki made into moulds...looked great...tasted good too. Main course comprised stuffed pheasant joint in bacon, roast potatoes with semolina coating, honey glazed carrots and parsnips, red cabbage with lardons (nearly took the end of a finger off slicing that cabbage), roast shallots and garlic, roast red pepper, creamy bread sauce, and a chestnut and pancetta gravy with cranberries...nom nom nom!!! 

Too full to contemplate pud so took a brisk walk up to Archway as twilight fell. Home by dusk for Christmas pud and ice cream. Ma and pa FaceTimed us back as they were in party mood and had started dancing. Too knackered to do anything but gawk at them in astonishment. Collapsed exhausted on the sofa and watched Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom...Viola Davis superb as Ma, and Chadwick Boseman, too, as Levee, his final role before his passing earlier this year. They deserve to take some awards...

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