Sunday 27 December 2020

Sunday 20th December 2020

Bright morning enticed us out for a walk after brunch. Called in on Helen and Martin in Fairbridge Road to drop off their Xmas card...Viv Albertine walked past us, but Martin failed to alert me before she had walked out of sight. Hiked up Highgate Hill and bought a coffee at Lauderdale House...I had a shot of Bailey’s in mine! Popped in to the deli for some pasta flour then walked home. FaceTimed ma and pa who confirmed they’d had a delivery Italian food hamper Aki had ordered for them. Got a call from Jim Lister who was driving home having been to his folks’ to cook ‘em dinner. Gave me one or two pointers for the lyrics I’m composing for his mum and dad’s 90th birthdays! Watched Portrait of a Lady on Fire...beautifully shot and there were some stunning images...

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