Sunday 27 December 2020

Thursday 10th December 2020

Walked down to the NHS clinic in Laycock St.,via Highbury Fields, for a 12.20 appointment with Dr Sulic. My right ear caused him problems, the wax being too hard to remove. Won’t be able to try again until January 21st!!! Mirko said “Your ears never cease to amaze me, Ree-chard”. I laughed heartily! He drew attention to a lump on my right ear which he reckoned might become carcinogenic if left to it’s own devices...walked back home, picking up a frittata and some salad from Broccoli to share with Aki for lunch. Kath texted to say she’d tested positive for covid 19!!! Worried she might have passed it on to ma and pa!!! She’s now got to self isolate for 10 days. Ma and pa have tried and failed to find a test facility...apparently you need to be showing symptoms. Kath has no symptoms either.

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