Sunday 27 December 2020

Monday 7th December 2020

Aki cycled in to Savills HQ at Margaret Street with my laptop and dropped it off for the IT man to rebuild. I had to venture out to the GP surgery to get my fix of flu vaccine. After lunch, I had a podiatry appointment over the phone with Albana...she’s working from home with COVID symptoms! Said she’d been unwell for three weeks now...I prescribed that she put her feet up for a bit (not really, but was tempted!). Made a date and walnut cake. Kath rang to say one of her colleagues had tested positive...and was worried she had put ma and pa at risk. But she hasn’t had contact with said colleague for two weeks, so we assured her she was in the clear given that she has no symptoms. Watched the magnificent Frances McDormand as the redoubtable Olive Kitteridge...

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