Sunday 27 December 2020

Saturday 5th December 2020

We took a long walk after brunch, stumbling across a busking old school jazz band sat on a bench in Highbury Fields, watched by an appreciative crowd. Aki gave ‘em £3 via ApplePay! Ambled down the east side of Upper Street, window shopping...a lot of people out and about. Bought Kath Maggie O’Farrell’s Hamnet at Waterstones on Islington Green...which was rammed! Busy in Muji too.

Walked back home via the art shop at Highbury Corner and bought Xmas presents for Pete and Marigold’s kids. Watched ‘Mank’ on Netflix...superb script, winningly delivered by an excellent Gary Oldman. Thoroughly enjoyed it...resolved to introduce Aki to Citizen Kane.

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