Sunday 27 December 2020

Saturday 26th December 2020

Aki had a bad night...reckoned the Chinese tea she drank yesterday evening meant she was too wired to get off to sleep. Late brunch. Took a mid-afternoon perambulation over toward Stroud Green, before Storm Bella mixed things up. Got some odds and ends in TescoExpress...came out and belatedly realised I hadn’t been wearing my facemask! FaceTimed ma and pa...Kath still there. 

Mum had burnt the spuds yesterday...and reckoned it the worst Xmas dinner she’d ever put together. Dropped in to Ray and Stef’s Boxing Day Zoomroom for a wee chat. They have been having a quiet time of it...we promised we’d be down to visit next year.Kath texted us a photo...of tonight’s burnt offering from mother! Watched “Rocks” tonight...moving tale of deprivation in east London.

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