Sunday 27 December 2020

Thursday 24th December 2020

Woke at a beeping alarm coming from the smoke detector in the kitchen area...transpired that it meant the back up battery needed replacing...what a palaver. Aki nipped out to the DIY shop. I did an hour-and-a-half’s work...Aki cooked a cheesecake. Drove over to Katrina’s to deliver a card and present...and pick up ours in return. She always does us a jar of her fabulous lemon curd! 
Then drove up to Bounds Green to deliver presents in my Santa guise to Pete and his girls...Tansy looked vaguely horrified by the sight of a man with a white beard appearing in her hallway! Bumped into Ben and Gayu on our return, who gave us some Xmas cake...I returned the favour with some of Aki’s cheesecake...going to be putting on weight this weekend!!!

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