Tuesday 29 December 2020

Tuesday 29th December 2020

Strange dream last night...we were driving country roads, when we saw a brown estate car hurtle into the road in front of us and disappear, but later came back the other way, the occupants giving us the eye as they passed. I sensed trouble and put my foot down, but they soon appeared in my rear view mirror, and I crashed into a tree on a bend in the road. Set off for the Whittington Hospital at 1030 for an 1100am appointment at the Dermatology Clinic. Young junior doctor, Jamie, looked me over, and then Kathy the Consultant came in and had a look at the growth on my right ear. She recommended they 'burn' it off with liquid nitrogen (minus 196 degrees), which Jamie duly did. I bade him a "very happy New Ear" and walked home via M&S at Archway. Aki insisted I put my clothing in the wash, and I took a quick bath before lunch. FaceTimed ma and pa for a quick chat...Kath has gone back home, and back to work. Aki cycled into Soho to get supplies from the Japanese store in Brewer Street, in readiness for Friday's Japanese breakfast. 

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