Tuesday 9 May 2023

Tuesday 9th May 2023

It was gone 0900 by the time I got up. Porridged. Aki at the computer this morning. I managed to do some work at my laptop before lunch. Arranged some inspections in west London for Thursday. Worked through the afternoon. Broke at 1800 and made a fish stock, which I then turned into a sauce to have with a packet of prawn, chilli and garlic ravioli. Made a nice side salad to go with it. Spoke to Tony McB on the blower...got news from Katrina that his mum has been having treatment for breast cancer, so wanted to clock in with him. She's back home in Seaford and doing OK, all things considered...she's her husband's main carer, though...he has Alzheimers, so Tony has had his work cut out this past few weeks. Watched a bit of telly before bath and bed...

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