Monday 22 May 2023

Saturday 20th May 2023

Woke around 0830. Got up and porridged. Walked up to the Farmer's Market at Yerbury school to buy bread, and Aki bought some vegetables. It was a lovely morning, so we continued our perambulations up Highgate Hill and stopped for a coffee in the gardens of Waterlow Park. There were some stalls set up outside Lauderdale House selling plants, so Aki bought a couple to bring home to furnish her pots on the window sill. Walked back down the hill, popping in to M&S on the way home. I cooked mussels in white wine sauce for lunch, with slices of the fresh bread on the side. Aki did some gardening out front during the afternoon, and I pitched in with a bit of tidying up of the burgeoning wisteria, which necessitated climbing the step ladder. Warmed up the tarragon chicken and burnt oranges for dinner, with orzo, vegetables and griddled asparagus. Ma and pa FaceTimed while we were eating. They were worried about Jim and Emma's decision to invest in a camper van rather than find themselves a new flat...the sale of their property is going through, and they've got to be out by the end of the month...their purchase fell through. I'd told Jim they could still pull out of the sale prior to exchanging contracts, but they seem to be happy to live in a van for a bit! Watched a bit of telly. Bath and bed...

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