Friday 19 May 2023

Friday 19th May 2023

Alarm at 0730. We dozed on for a bit, though. Got up around 0830 and porridged. No work to do this morning, so we opted to make a dash for the Natural History Museum in Kensington to see the Wildlife Photographer of the Year exhibition. Caught a No.29 bus to Finsbury Park, and took the Piccadilly line to South Kensington. Quite busy at the museum...long queue for free entry. We had tickets for the exhibition, so by-passed that. The photography exhibition was great...the winner was a ball of bees fighting over the Queen, but my favourites were of the polar bears investigating abandoned houses on the north Russian coast, presumably up in the Arctic Circle. The photographer was on a boat, and spotted the bears, so he sent the camera in on a drone to get his shots. Got back home by 1345 and Aki made a late lunch. I walked round to the surgery to see Dr Marsh...wanted to follow up the results of the ultra-sound scan. She reckoned my umbilical hernia was probably best left alone, but recommended a further scan on my right testicle, which I think is giving me a bit of gip courtesy of the bad inguinal hernia repair of old. The abdominal problem is apparently the result of a divarification of the recti...I said it sounded like a play by Euripedes! Aki had gone out on her bike when I got home. I managed to do a couple of hours work, prepping for next week's inspections. Warmed up the lasagne for dinner, and made some basil oil to drizzle over the vegetables. Watched a bit of telly before collapsing, exhausted, into bed...

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