Sunday, 14 May 2023

Sunday 14th May 2023

Aki up early, but complaining of a sore throat. She decided not to go rowing. Lay in bed reading for a bit. Got up and porridged. Aki spent some time applying for a passport renewal, which appears to be done online these days. I threw a mackerel salad luncheon together. We walked up to the North Nineteen for our monthly folk session. Just Ben (violin) missing today...he'd forgotten all about it, and messaged an apology from Oxford, where he was on a day trip. Mum rang just as we were about to kick off...they were OK, though she mentioned dad was struggling with tooth ache and planned to visit the dentist next week. Enjoyed our folk session. Celia (accordion) has been looking after her 101 year old mother...she had had a very nasty accident a month or so ago, getting her coat caught in closing tube train doors, and the train moving off with her still trapped, forcing her to fall on the station platform and badly break her arm...she is of an age when such breaks turn out not to knit back together, and her right arm now hangs limp and useless, which has necessitated her having to have pretty much round-the-clock care. I suggested we go round to her flat next month and play our tunes for her, and Celia reckoned she'd love it, so that's the plan for June's meeting, subject to Celia checking her diary. Walked back home with Kathryn and George, who are off to Italy during the week...George's Italian brother-in-law is celebrating his 65th birthday. Aki cooked a tasty pasta carbonara for dinner, with cheese and biscuits to follow. Watched MOTD2. Arsenal's title fight ended this afternoon with a home defeat to Brighton...Man City should win the title next weekend.

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