Monday, 15 May 2023

Monday 15th May 2023

Alarm at 0730. Dozed until 0830. Got up and made tea. Porridged. The plumber turned up around 1030 and stuck some leak sealant into the system...he said to give it a couple of days, and to get back in touch if the boiler was still losing pressure. Not holding my breath! Spoke to Jim on the blower...he had taken Emma to the RSC's current production of "Julius Caesar", bemoaning the overly 'woke' decisions made by the creative team...female Brutus and Cassius, a servant who delivered his lines in BSL...he nearly didn't go back in for the second half! Put a ham salad together for lunch. Worked at the computer until 1730. Cooked a lentil dahl for dinner...Aki cooked up a fish curry and rice to accompany it. Watched a bit of telly...rather moving documentary charting the life of Amy Winehouse in 10 photographs. Shower and bed...

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