Friday 12 May 2023

Friday 12th May 2023

Had a slightly disturbed night's sleep, so had a bit of a lie in, and read a bit of "A Golden Age" before rising for porridge. Did a bit of work on some valuation research before lunch. Aki had cycled off for a meeting with Helen and Martin, but was back in time to eat. Felt very weary after yesterday's long day. Ended up nodding off on the sofa in the afternoon. We warmed up the chicken stew for dinner, followed by ice cream and chocolate brownie. Watched "Queen & Slim" on BBC iPlayer...a black Bonnie & Clyde tale following a couple who are forced on the run after a run in with a traffic cop goes horribly wrong...immaculately filmed, with good performances, but some plot twists that defied credulity.

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