Monday 29 May 2023

Sunday 28th May 2023

Another late start. We eventually rose, and Aki cooked brunch. Ma and pa FaceTimed us from 12 High View for a quick catch-up. Dad was about to plant his beans! We ventured out to take advantage of the afternoon sun...took a tube to Embankment, and crossed Hungerford footbridge for a coffee in the foyer of the SBC. Wandered slowly eastward beside the Thames...a lot of people about. Took a detour to Tate Modern and had a brief gander at the modern art collection on Level 4...Roy Leictenstein's "Whaam!" particularly drew our attention.

As we walked back over the Millennium Bridge toward St Paul's we ran into the Women's Ride London cycle race as the peleton sped down Queen Victoria Street. Took a tube back to Cally Road, and a No.17 bus to Nag's Head. I cooked Lahore chicken for dinner, using the yoghurt whey I'd strained in the fridge overnight to make a creamy cashew nut sauce with dried fenugreek leaves and melted was delicious! Raspberry spoom and chocolate brownie for afters, with double cream and pomegranite seeds. Watched a bit of telly before bath and bed...

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