Thursday 26 October 2023

Wednesday 25th October 2023

Hauled myself out of bed and porridged. Put a packed lunch together. Aki cycled off to Camden Town for a meeting. I packed a bag, and drove south-eastward for inspections in the Medway towns. Stopped at M&S in Strood for some supplies, then headed onto the Hoo peninsula. Found myself driving through Cooling, so stopped for a turn around the graveyard of St James' church, the setting for the opening scene of "Great Expectations". Jools Holland was apparently married here in 2005! Drove on to Grain, where I parked up overlooking the Thames Estuary and ate my lunch in the car. The tide was out. Views of Southend and Shoeburyness across the water. Got to the Ship & Trades around 1800 and checked in. Had dinner in their pub restaurant downstairs...went for the mushroom and leek risotto, with added grilled chicken breast...very tasty! Read the penultimate chapter of "Dickens" at my table, before retiring to my room. FaceTimed Aki, then watched the final of "Race Across the World"...the finish line was in the Arctic city of Tromso, which looked spectacular, I have to say! Maybe line up a visit some time to see the Northern Lights, one of Aki's 'Bucket List' that needs ticking off...

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