Sunday 15 October 2023

Friday 13th October 2023

Slow start after a busy week. Read a bit of "Pickwick" in bed before getting up to face the computer. Uploaded yesterday's photos, and made notes to send on to the valuer. Aki cycled off to Highbury Pool for a swim before lunch. We finished off the remaining chicken tagine, with a salad accompaniment. Worked at the computer until 1730. Got changed, and we walked to Osteria Tufo in Fonthill Road....Katrina was already waiting for us. Had a quick catch-up, and ordered mains...I had the pork fillet with mashed potatoes, fried broccoli, and a red wine reduction...very tasty. Paid up and walked round to the Park Theatre. Saw "It's Headed Straight Towards Us", a rather thin comedy written by Adrian Edmondson and Nigel Planer, and starring Rufus Hound, and dad's favourite, Sam West, Prunella Scales' actorly offspring, who I'd met many years ago when sharing theatrical digs with his mum in Leeds. It was an agreeably entertaining evening, though didn't manage to hit the funny bone quite as often as I was anticipating. Walked Katrina to the bus stop, and ambled home...

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