Monday 30 October 2023

Sunday 29th October 2023

Another slow start...but the clocks had gone back, so we were even slower rising than usual! Made a late brunch. Started reading the Book Club choice...Graham Greene's "Brighton Rock". I was going to give it a miss, having read it three times, and seen two movie adaptations, but I picked it up and was instantly hooked by the evocative prose. It's got to be his masterpiece! Soup for lunch. Wandered up to the North Nineteen in the grey of the afternoon for band rehearsal with the Scottish fiddle troupe. Spent an enjoyable half hour in the pub afterwards chatting with Ben, Katherine, George, and Lorraine. Plans were laid for a joint trip to Snape Maltings in the New Year to hear a concert in the amazing hall there...hope that comes about! Wandered back home, popping in to see Gayu at No.38 for a quick catch-up, then repaired home for dinner....finished off the moussaka. Watched "Time", set in a women's was a tough watch! Bath and bed...

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