Sunday 15 October 2023

Saturday 14th October 2023

Slow start this up and made tea, then read a little "Pickwick" in bed. Aki cooked a cheesey omelette for breakfast. Upstairs neighbour having her flooring sanded, so we made our escape, and headed for Finsbury Park station...caught an Overground train to Blackfriars and walked to Tate Modern. Someone had put up a huge 'curtain' in the Turbine Hall, but we couldn't make out what was represented upon it. Headed for the 2nd floor of the new extension and, utilising a neighbour's Tate membership card, got in to the African photography exhibition. It was a bit dull, but had it's moments...especially loved this artistic photo of a girl standing in water with a line of water carriers strung out behind her, telling of the climate catastrophe to come! Had a wander through the gift shop, then back to Blackfriars to catch a train home. Watched the second half of the Wales v Argentina quarter-final...good game, with the Pumas just shading it to go through. Aki cooked a chicken risotto for dinner, with black rice. Had enough calories in the bank to treat myself to a small beer and a square of now down to 73.2kg. Watched the Ireland v NZ exciting, brutal match-up that had Ireland chasing the game, and despite a final onslaught, the Irish were knocked out. 

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