Monday, 30 October 2023

Monday 30th October 2023

Slightly fitful night's hernia giving me gip. Slow to rise...porridged. Worked at the computer until lunch time. Cooked lunch...fried potato cakes with poached eggs and salad. very tasty. A bit shocked to see my weight is down to 72.1kg, despite eating out at the back end of last week. Still, it means my BMI is now just below the maximum recommended for my height and age. Would be good to get it down to 71kg, then stabilise things. I needed to get out for a walk after lunch, so headed for Finsbury Park, intending to pick up the new season brochure from the Park Theatre, but the building was closed. Walked back home via cafe Girasole. Spotted Jeremy Corbyn in there talking intently with a young couple over coffee and cake. I sidled past them, and said hello to Eglal, the proprietor, who was washing up in the back kitchen. Apologised for not frequenting her establishment, explaining I'd been on a three month weight loss course....she said she'd been doing the same, and had lost 15kg! Put an order in for a pistachio panettone. JC then came over to say his farewells, and introduced himself to me by shaking my hand. We then had a wee three-way chat about the Gazan crisis! He reckons the Israelis plan to drive the Palestinians out of Gaza, and into the Sinai Desert...Eglal, being half Egyptian, reckoned the Egyptian government would not stand for that, and that fighting would escalate. Came home and did another two hours or so at the computer. Aki cooked mackerel for dinner, which we ate with sticky rice, miso soup, kimchi, and vegetables. Jim Lister rang to invite us to their Festive bash in Holmfirth on 22nd December, which fits perfectly with our plans to set off on our annual Christmas jaunt up north...he also had an invite for us to Barney's surprise 30th birthday party on December 2nd, in Deptford. Look forward to that. He said his mum, Barb, had had a fall, and the necessity to then engage with the NHS opened the door to emergency social care; his mum and dad are now getting social service visits at their home three times a day. 

Sunday 29th October 2023

Another slow start...but the clocks had gone back, so we were even slower rising than usual! Made a late brunch. Started reading the Book Club choice...Graham Greene's "Brighton Rock". I was going to give it a miss, having read it three times, and seen two movie adaptations, but I picked it up and was instantly hooked by the evocative prose. It's got to be his masterpiece! Soup for lunch. Wandered up to the North Nineteen in the grey of the afternoon for band rehearsal with the Scottish fiddle troupe. Spent an enjoyable half hour in the pub afterwards chatting with Ben, Katherine, George, and Lorraine. Plans were laid for a joint trip to Snape Maltings in the New Year to hear a concert in the amazing hall there...hope that comes about! Wandered back home, popping in to see Gayu at No.38 for a quick catch-up, then repaired home for dinner....finished off the moussaka. Watched "Time", set in a women's was a tough watch! Bath and bed...

Saturday 28th October 2023

Enjoyed a bit of a lie in this morning.... exhausted! Read a bit of "Oliver Twist" before rising for a late brunch. Ventured into town. Aki wanted to carry out some reconnaissance on three or four potential venues in the Marylebone area, where she used to preparation for a re-union get-together next month. Ended up on Marylebone High Street, and paid our respects at the Dickens Memorial there, where his house at No.1 Devonshire Terrace once a 60s era NHS clinic. Wandered over to regents Park for a coffee and a slice of carrot cake, then wended our way homeward via a couple of buses. Got home just before the Emirates cleared out following the Arsenal v Sheffield Utd game. I made a chicken rendang for dinner, which we ate with basmati rice and flat bread. Watched a bit of telly before shower and bed...

Friday 27th October 2023

Relatively undisturbed night's sleep. Got up and abluted before descending for breakfast. Had given up calorie counting by this point, so went for the full English! Packed my few things and checked out. Ventured into Rochester for inspections around the city centre. Had a little wander up the High Street and bought a coffee. A couple of buildings there with plaques attesting to the fact that they appear in various Dickens novels. Drove out to the suburbs, popping in on Joy on the Maidstone Road, who had donated my copy of "Pickwick Papers"...she thanked me for coming by, but said she'd prefer I pass it on to someone else rather than take it back. I offered her the Ackroyd biography, but she said she'd read it. Found myself in Strood once more at lunchtime. Traffic was dreadful. Ended the working day in Hempstead, popping in to the shopping centre there to use the facilities and have a wander round. Turned the car for home...the M2 westbound was dreadful...took three-quarters of an hour to get across the Medway Bridge section. Four lanes down to one for roadworks...hence the heavy traffic in Rochester this morning, trying vainly to avoid the traffic jams! Very slow to the Blackwall Tunnel too, due to the Silvertown Tunnel works. It was gone 1900 by the time I got home. Aki had cooked a tasty lamb moussaka for dinner. Watched a bit of telly before bath and bed...

Thursday 26th October 2023

Rather a disturbed night's sleep...awoken by the sounds of a delivery truck being unloaded at the Co-op directly below my 0430!!! Managed to nod back off eventually. Got up and tried the wasn't very effectual. Descended below for breakfast. Pleasant enough morning...the marina next door looked relatively picturesque (compared with the rest of Chatham, that is!). Headed into the Chatham suburbs in the morning. In the absence of any choice in the matter, I drove over the Rochester Bridge to buy some luncheon items at M&S in Strood, and ate my roll in the car in the car park at Morrisons. Inspections then took me south to the villages of Cuxton, and Halling, before I wound my way back to Strood. Had dinner the my hotel...pan fried Stone Bass...a meaty fish, tasty enough. Don't think I've had it before. Read the final chapter of my Dickens biography at my table, but realised I was going to get a bit emotional, so repaired to my room to finish the last three pages. 

Thursday, 26 October 2023

Wednesday 25th October 2023

Hauled myself out of bed and porridged. Put a packed lunch together. Aki cycled off to Camden Town for a meeting. I packed a bag, and drove south-eastward for inspections in the Medway towns. Stopped at M&S in Strood for some supplies, then headed onto the Hoo peninsula. Found myself driving through Cooling, so stopped for a turn around the graveyard of St James' church, the setting for the opening scene of "Great Expectations". Jools Holland was apparently married here in 2005! Drove on to Grain, where I parked up overlooking the Thames Estuary and ate my lunch in the car. The tide was out. Views of Southend and Shoeburyness across the water. Got to the Ship & Trades around 1800 and checked in. Had dinner in their pub restaurant downstairs...went for the mushroom and leek risotto, with added grilled chicken breast...very tasty! Read the penultimate chapter of "Dickens" at my table, before retiring to my room. FaceTimed Aki, then watched the final of "Race Across the World"...the finish line was in the Arctic city of Tromso, which looked spectacular, I have to say! Maybe line up a visit some time to see the Northern Lights, one of Aki's 'Bucket List' that needs ticking off...

Tuesday 24th October 2023

Another slow in bed for awhile before rising for porridge. Aki was at the computer, so I read some "Dickens", then worked until lunch time. Aki threw a ham salad together. More of the same for the afternoon. Broke around 1800 and warmed up the last of the chicken and mushroom pie. Had my final group zoom meeting with the dietician, and was waved off at the end...thank god that's over! Watched a film adaptation of "Eight Mountains", which we had read as a Book Club choice last year. The film was very well done, the narrative arc very clear, and excellent performances all round....oh, and some stunning scenery in the Italian Alps. Shower and bed...

Monday 23rd October 2023

Very weary this morning. Read in bed for a little before hauling myself up and at 'em. Porridged. Worked at the computer all morning. Aki popped out to Highbury Pool before returning for lunch. I made puff pastry pizzas. Ploughed on at the computer for the afternoon. Warmed up the pork and apple ratatouille for dinner. Watched a bit of telly, and had a read in the bath...

Wednesday, 25 October 2023

Sunday 22nd October 2023

Feeling very tired this morning....Aki got up to prepare for Rowing Club, and brought me a mug of tea. Read some "Dickens" before rousing myself, and porridging. Nice day. Aki had left me the washing to hang out in the back yard. My chores were interrupted by a FaceTime call from High View. Dad showed off his new, elongated, swimming trunks. Worked at the computer for an hour or so, before breaking to put lunch together. Popped out to Waitrose after lunch and bought some puff pastry for tonight's recipe, and one or two bits and pieces. Came home and worked for another hour, then prepared a chicken and mushroom pie. It turned out well...very tasty! 

Sunday, 22 October 2023

Saturday 21st October 2023

Slow start this morning...still feeling very weary. Aki brought me a mug of tea, and I read a bit in bed before rising. Aki cooked brunch. Ventured out, stopping off at No.127 to persuade Katherine to witness our signatures on our freehold deed, which should hopefully finalise the purchase and registration of our freehold interest in No.3. Walked on to Stroud Green, having to borrow an umbrella, as it was pouring with rain when we stepped back outside. Popped into Tesco, and Green & Glory to buy some pumpkin for tonight's biryani. Left the brolly outside the front door to No.127, as they had evidently gone out, and walked home. Aki cooked dinner. Watched the England v South Africa game. It was a real nail-biter, Owen Farrell becoming hero and villain, kicking a superb drop goal from the halfway line, but giving away a penalty for dissent which was converted by the Boks...we lost 15-16 with 3 minutes to go! Watched a bit of MOTD, who marked the passing of the great Bobby Charlton, then read in the bath before bed...

Saturday, 21 October 2023

Friday 20th October 2023

Very weary this morning...dozed until 0930. Aki brought me a mug of tea. I read in bed for an hour or so. Got up and porridged. Didn't get much work done this morning. Aki cycled off to Highbury Pool for a swim. I prepared some lunch for when she got back. Did three hours at the computer this afternoon. I cooked pork fillet this evening, with a tasty apple and leek ratatouille with black beans. Watched the Argentina v NZ was a total mis-match, the Pumas getting hammered 44-6!!! England look set up to experience a similar fate against South Africa tomorrow evening! Ran a bath and read some "Dickens" before retiring...

Thursday 19th October 2023

Worked from home today, as the weather forecast told of a coming storm. In the end, it failed to materialise, though it rained off and on. Aki went off to meet Tokiko at Tate Britain for a catch up and lunch. I worked at the computer. Broke for lunch, then ambled up to the dry cleaner's to deposit a pair of trousers for altering. Popped in to Dev's to get my statins....Dev couldn't find me on his computer...reckoned my details had been deleted...I said "They must have cured me without my knowing!" then transpired that he'd been searching for a Richard Haque...not an uncommon mistake! Worked at the computer until breaking around 1800. Baked some cod, which we ate with quinoa and lentils, and lots of cabbage. Watched the final episode of "Boiling Point" all got a bit formulaic, loose ends being tied up very cursorily with some naff looked as though they were setting up another series at some future date. Read some Dickens' Biography in the bath...just got to a bit about the last few weeks of his father's life...he had long suffered from urological complaints, and he couldn't the surgeons decided to open him up to try and get the suspected bladder stones removed, which necessitated an incision between his scrotum and his anus, without anaesthetic!!! I developed a empathetic pain in my nether regions as a result! Needless to say, the fellow never really recovered, and is buried in Highgate Cemetery...

Wednesday 18th October 2023

Got up and porridged....threw a packed lunch together, and set off for inspections in Somers Town. The stock here was very old...huge, dull early C19th blocks which looked like slum tenements, sitting cheek-by-jowl with the modern Crick Institute, and the British Library...popped in to the latter to use the facilities, and found myself in the Art Treasures room, staring a one of only 235 surviving copies of the First Folio of the Works of Mr Shakespeare. Then headed for Camden Town, Belsize park, and Hendon, where I turned back toward Haringey. Ate my lunch in the car in the car park at Sainsburys in Manor House, then undertook inspections in Tottenham, Finsbury Park, Holloway, and Highbury. Traffic dreadful...major roadworks in almost every direction. Got home in time for dinner. Finished off the tortelloni with the rather underwhelming artichoke and parmesan sauce. 

Caught a bus from the top of Caledonian Road, to Chalk Farm, getting to the Roundhouse just as the heavens opened. We enjoyed a beer at the upstairs bar, and caught a bit of the support act, a female rapper who we'd never heard of. Enjoyed Baxter Dury...great little band behind him...especially impressed by Madeline Hart on keyboards and backing vocals, and the drummer was really in the groove tonight. It was all very bass-heavy, which meant Baxter had to shout rather loudly into his microphone, losing the hypnotic timbre of voice that makes his material so listenable. Left our seats before the encore, as it takes ages to get out of the building otherwise, and walked through Camden Town to the bus stop outside Sainsburys.

Tuesday 17th October 2023

Got up and porridged. Put a packed lunch together. Worked at the computer for an hour or so, then set off southward, crossing the Thames at Wandsworth, for inspections in Tooting, and Colliers Wood. Stopped at M&S in Colliers Wood, and ate my lunch in the car in the car park. Managed to get in to half-a-dozen units this afternoon, but it was slow going. I was harangued by various Clarion tenants, complaining about the poor service and low quality workmanship...a regular tale, unfortunately! Eventually had enough, and headed for home. Aki replicated Jamie Oliver's lamb kofta recipe, which we ate with a minty tzatziki sauce and figs, with the remainder of the b'sinyah on the side. Yum! 

Monday 16th October 2023

Got up and porridged, and put together a packed lunch. Headed north-westward to South Oxhey, near Watford, then across country to villages north of Ware, and near Stevenage. Ate my lunch in the car. Mum rang as I was headed east to say that dad had been to hospital this morning, but had returned without having the catheter removed! Sounds as though he'll have to put up with it into the new year! Drove onto to the village of Ferneux Pelham, managing to get into a couple of properties, then turned for home. Had the b'sinyah for dinner, followed by raspberry spoom. Watched a bit of telly before bed...

Tuesday, 17 October 2023

Sunday 15th October 2023

Woke around 0900. Got up and made tea. Aki cooked a breakfast, then cycled off to Rowing Club. I did an hour or so at the computer, finishing off what I was doing on Friday. Took my constitutional up Highgate Hill, buying a coffee and a quiche at Gail's at the top of the hill, which I drank in-house...finished the final chapter of "Pickwick Papers", a rather peremptory happy ending, with everyone getting married and living happily ever after. Glad I read it, though, but looking forward too getting back to the biography. Walked back down the hill. Had some of the quiche for lunch...Aki turned up, not having eaten, so we both had a quiche salad. Popped out to get some cooking ingredients...made a quick detour to the Upper Place to buy some fresh tortelloni from Pierro, who gave me an extra bag free of charge. His business partner makes the stuff in Bologna, and ships it out to Pierro...I told him Bologna was on our to-visit list, and he said "Let me know when you're going....", which hopefully means he'd recommend some eateries etc. Watched the England v Fiji quarter-final...good game, which England managed to win. Made a Moroccan aubergine bake, which we will eat tomorrow. Had some of the tortelloni, which I covered in an artichoke and parmesan sauce, topped with creme freche and stuck under the grill to colour up. It was OK, but I think I'd have preferred the pizzaiola sauce with it. Watched the France v South Africa game...what a match! Breathless, spectacular...god help the England team in the semi-final!

Sunday, 15 October 2023

Saturday 14th October 2023

Slow start this up and made tea, then read a little "Pickwick" in bed. Aki cooked a cheesey omelette for breakfast. Upstairs neighbour having her flooring sanded, so we made our escape, and headed for Finsbury Park station...caught an Overground train to Blackfriars and walked to Tate Modern. Someone had put up a huge 'curtain' in the Turbine Hall, but we couldn't make out what was represented upon it. Headed for the 2nd floor of the new extension and, utilising a neighbour's Tate membership card, got in to the African photography exhibition. It was a bit dull, but had it's moments...especially loved this artistic photo of a girl standing in water with a line of water carriers strung out behind her, telling of the climate catastrophe to come! Had a wander through the gift shop, then back to Blackfriars to catch a train home. Watched the second half of the Wales v Argentina quarter-final...good game, with the Pumas just shading it to go through. Aki cooked a chicken risotto for dinner, with black rice. Had enough calories in the bank to treat myself to a small beer and a square of now down to 73.2kg. Watched the Ireland v NZ exciting, brutal match-up that had Ireland chasing the game, and despite a final onslaught, the Irish were knocked out. 

Friday 13th October 2023

Slow start after a busy week. Read a bit of "Pickwick" in bed before getting up to face the computer. Uploaded yesterday's photos, and made notes to send on to the valuer. Aki cycled off to Highbury Pool for a swim before lunch. We finished off the remaining chicken tagine, with a salad accompaniment. Worked at the computer until 1730. Got changed, and we walked to Osteria Tufo in Fonthill Road....Katrina was already waiting for us. Had a quick catch-up, and ordered mains...I had the pork fillet with mashed potatoes, fried broccoli, and a red wine reduction...very tasty. Paid up and walked round to the Park Theatre. Saw "It's Headed Straight Towards Us", a rather thin comedy written by Adrian Edmondson and Nigel Planer, and starring Rufus Hound, and dad's favourite, Sam West, Prunella Scales' actorly offspring, who I'd met many years ago when sharing theatrical digs with his mum in Leeds. It was an agreeably entertaining evening, though didn't manage to hit the funny bone quite as often as I was anticipating. Walked Katrina to the bus stop, and ambled home...

Thursday, 12 October 2023

Thursday 12th October 2023

Woke at 0730. Got up and made tea, then sat at the computer for an hour or so before porridging. Made a packed lunch, then headed east, back to Thurrock, stopping off at Tesco at Thurrock Lakeside to pick up some lunch items. Had inspections in Grays, Stifford, and Orsett. Ate my lunch in the car on a Council estate, and ended the day in Stanford-le-Hope. Drove to Lakeside Shopping Centre and had a bit more of a wander around....bought some trousers in Gant. Got home around 1900, having go stuck in a lengthy traffic jam on the A13. Aki had cooked a chicken tagine, with couscous...very tasty. Listened to an intriguing podcast, outlining the link between bad oral hygiene, and dementia! I'll have to start flossing!!! Watched the final episode of season 5 of "Better Call Saul", which takes us in to the final season. Showered and bed...

Wednesday, 11 October 2023

Wednesday 11th October 2022

Woke around 0830. Feeling weary this morning. Got up and made tea. Porridged. Threw a box salad together and headed out towards Hertfordshire, stopping in Manor House for petrol, then taking the A10 toward Ware. Managed to get some internals done in the village of Standon, then drove east to Bishops Stortford, stopping at Birchanger Services on the M11 to eat my lunch and use the facilities. Then had inspections in Bishops Stortford, and the village of High Wych, ending the working day on a housing estate in Sawbridgeworth. Turned for home, getting in around 1900, just as it started to spit with rain. Aki cooked haddock with miso paste, which we ate with rice, vegetables, and a bowl of clear soup. Watched "Race Around the World" before bath and bed...

Tuesday 10th October 2023

Woke around 0830. Got up and made tea. Porridged at the computer. Made a packed lunch. Did a couple of hours before heading out east on inspections, stopping off at Sainsburys in Manor House, then on to Walthamstow. Had my lunch in the Waitrose car park in Woodford, then on to Chigwell, Hainault, and Ilford, before turning for home. Cooked a chicken, mushroom, and walnut pasta sauce for dinner. Clocked in for my dietician's group zoom call...talked exercise this evening. I'm now down to 73.8kg, having lost 8kg...told Abdi I needed a one-to-one to discuss how to stabilise things and keep the weight off. Watched a bit of telly before shower and bed...

Tuesday, 10 October 2023

Monday 9th October 2023

Woke at 0830. Got up and made tea, and warmed up some soup to take with me to work. Left for Essex at 0945. Stopped at Tesco in Lakeside Thurrock, and did a little shopping, before heading for Purfleet and Grays. Drove back to the Lakeside Shopping Centre, and had my lunch in the car in a car park, then wandered into the shopping centre to look for the loos...internally, the shopping centre is better than many, but there is the usual lack of's a dull experience. Drove back out to East caught up in a bit of traffic following a road traffic accident on the road into Linford. Couple of cars looked to have smashed into eachother, and an ambulance was at the scene. Finished the working day in Stanford-le-Hope, then turned for home. Got in at 1900 just as Aki was serving up dinner...we finished the lentil ragu off, and the extra polenta I had cooked and left to harden in the fridge. Watched episode 2 of "Boiling Point"...really powerful stuff, with great naturalistic performances. 

Sunday, 8 October 2023

Sunday 8th October 2023

Woke around 0800. Aki got up and made tea. I read a bit of "Pickwick" in bed, then got up for breakfast...Aki cooked a tasty omelette with camembert cheese melted in the middle of it. She cycled off to Rowing Club. Did a little work at the computer, then watched the Japan v Argentina RWC game. It was end to end stuff, but the Japanese were always trailing, and have been knocked out of the competition. I walked over to Waitrose and bought a chicken and some bits and pieces....came home and started putting the roast dinner together. Buttered the chicken beneath the skin, which I've never done was a messy job! Aki got home around 1600. I served dinner at 1730...the roast chicken breast was very moist, so the buttering worked a treat...delicious. Served it with roast spiced cabbage with a caper and raisin dressing, courgette and apple slaw with walnuts and tarragon, roast potatoes and peas. Very tasty. 

Cycled over to Stoke Newington before the Arsenal v Man City game chucked out. Could hear the roar as Arsenal scored as we were cycling through Clissold Park. Had time to kill...bought ice cream at the pub on the corner of Church Street and Albion Road, and sat outside to eat it. Wandered back over to Clissold Park in the gloaming, and FaceTimed ma and pa...they had just seen Jim and Emma off the premises, they having come over to cook mum and dad a Sunday roast. Repaired to Stoke Newington Old Church for the concert...a trio consisting of two violincellos, and a harpsichord, playing rarely heard French Baroque compositions. The two cellos worked wonders as they formed intricate musical patterns, rather akin to Keef Richards and Ronnie Wood on their electric guitars. It was a real treat. Cycled home in the dark.

Saturday 7th October 2023

Woke around 0900. Got up and made tea. Got back into bed and read some "Pickwick". Aki prepared a yoghurt and fruit salad for breakfast. Did some gardening out front in the morning sunshine. Stuck the ladder up and set about pruning back the burgeoning was in quite a tangle, and I'm not entirely sure I'm pruning the bits that need pruning, but it looked tidier thereafter. Made lunch, then we ventured out on our Saturday constitutional, walking to Highbury Fields via the Emirates stadium, then back up to Waitrose to buy some odds and ends. Watched the England v Samoa rugby game...enjoyed the Samoan haka prior to bit! Cooked a n'duja and lentil ragu for dinner, on a bed of polenta. Watched the Irish sweep aside the was brutal. Ireland look pretty much unstoppable. Bath and bed after a bit of MOTD...

Saturday, 7 October 2023

Friday 6th October 2023

Aki up early to ready herself for Rowing Club...she's taking George from No.127 with her, as he used to row a bit, and has a friend at the Club, so is thinking of joining up. I got up and porridged before sitting at the computer for most of the morning uploading yesterday's photos, and making notes. Broke for an early lunch. I ventured out to do some inspections in Haringey. Got home in good time to have us dinner...finished off the chicken curry Aki had cooked earlier in the week, with rice and plenty of vegetables. Set off for the bus stop on Holloway Road and caught the No.21 to Old Street, then zigzagged through the back streets, through Hoxton Square, to Shoreditch Town Hall to see "Woodhill", a piece centred around the struggles of three families to uncover the truth behind the deaths of their relatives in HMP Woodhill. It had proved a hit at the Edinburgh Festival. Helen and Martin joined us, having cycled down from Upper Holloway. The show turned out to be more a dance piece than I was expecting, but the four dancers were excellent. The verbatim text was delivered as voiceover via a speaker system, which often meant it difficult to make out what was being said, as the music bed was pretty high in the a result I felt the potential power of the subject matter got a trifle watered down. Walked back to the bus stop at Old Street, and got home around 2200.

Friday, 6 October 2023

Thursday 5th October 2023

Got up and porridged, made myself a packed lunch, and then headed out for the car. Drove to Aveley, stopping off at Tesco in Bow on the way. Broke for lunch and drove to Tilbury Fort, where I ate in the car in the car park, then walked the Thames estuary embankment, taking in the view of Gravesend across the water. Wandered into King Charles II's fort, and got myself a tea in the guard house, then wandered back to the car. Did inspections in Tilbury, Chadwell, and ended in Grays town centre, before turning for home. Aki baked cod, which she served up in the remains of the lobster bisque we'd had as a starter last wasn't very good, despite being M&S's finest, but the cod made it more passable! Walked up to No.120 for Book Club meet...full turnout, save for Polly, who was preparing for her father-in-laws funeral on the morrow. "Milkman" seemed to have gone down pretty well, though Dulcie had found it hard going, and Gareth had gotten irritated by the constant repetitions. "Brighton Rock" was chosen for the next read, which I know well having read it maybe three I'll get back to my Dickens for now! Got home and bathed before bed. 

Wednesday 4th October 2023

Woke around 0830 and hauled myself out of bed for breakfast. Did some work at the computer, then took my constitutional up Highgate Hill, stopping off at Archie's to buy a coffee. Took it up to Waterlow Park and sat on a bench to read for a bit, before heading back down the hill. Lunched with Aki, then did some more work at the computer. Broke for dinner. We finished off the homemade pesto sauce, with pasta, mushrooms, and vegetables...very tasty. Watched a bit of telly, and did some reading....finally finished "Milkman", just in time for tomorrow's Book Club meet. Bathed before bed...

Tuesday 3rd October 2023

Fitful night’s sleep…I was woken around 0600 by a great crashing sound, as the binmen emptied the bottle bank of the pub opposite. Got up around 0800 and made tea, then dressed to venture into town to look for breakfast. Enjoyed eggs Benedict at the Royal Albion hotel, and discovered a plaque on the wall outside stating that Charlie D had stayed on many occasions in what must have been a house, later subsumed into the neighbouring hotel. 

After breakfast, I took a stroll around town in search of Bleak House, a large imposing crenellated house perched above the northern end of Viking Bay, with a first floor bay window which had once played host to Charlie’s writing desk. There's a memorial on the wall with a carved likeness of the great man. Also came across accommodation above an archway where he had stayed and written some of Barnaby Rudge. Made my way back to my digs, packed, and walked to my car…set off for Canterbury, and from thence to Herne Bay where I stopped to pick up a tea and a sandwich from the cafe on the old bandstand…sat on a bench overlooking the pier and drank my tea, then headed for Gravesend, and Northfleet. Got home around 1600. Aki cooked a chicken curry for dinner, which we ate with chapati and vegetables, with blackberry custard tart and spoom for dessert.

Monday 2nd October 2023

Woke around 0800. Got up and porridged. Warmed up some soup for my packed lunch, and packed an overnight bag. Set off at 0930 for a couple of inspections in Islington, before pointing the car toward the south-east. Stopped for petrol in Charlton, and bought some lunch items in M&S, then headed down the A20 to hook up with the M25. Had several stops in Tunbridge Wells...ate my lunch in the car, parked up near some greensward in Rusthall, then headed for Goudhurst, and Cranbrook. 

Deal was my last port of call, then I made for Broadstairs, where I'd booked a B&B for the night. Got there around 1730. Artfuls is a small boutique guest house very near the sea front, and just around the corner from the Dickens Museum. Sadly, it's not open tomorrow, so I had to make do with a was the residence of a Miss Strong, who Dickens would visit on his stays in Broadstairs, and she became the inspiration for Betsey Trotwood, having a propensity for shoo-ing horse and donkey riders off her front lawn at regular intervals. I walked along the front, and made my way down to the Tartar Frigate, where I dined in the upstairs restaurant, with a view across the bay. I then found myself outside the little cinema, and realised the evening showing was just about to start, so bought a ticket and sat in the stalls to watch Ken Loach's new film, "The Old Oak". It was a tale set in the depressed Durham mining village of Easington, which was now playing host to traumatised Syrian refugees…the script was rather lumpen, but as ever, Ken’s heart is the right place, as we see the publican of the I’ll used Old Oak public house come to the defence of the refugees as they battle for acceptance in the community…there were a few tissues to be espied as the final credits rolled…walked back to my digs and ran a bath.

Monday, 2 October 2023

Sunday 1st October 2023

Aki up early to ready herself for Rowing Club...she's got a heavy day of it, helping out with a group of deaf rowers. She brought me a mug of tea, and I sat up in bed and read "Milkman" for an hour. Rose at around 1000 and porridged. Prepped some shortcrust pastry, and stuck it the fridge. Brief FaceTime call with looking considerably better, and reportedly beginning to find his appetite, though he wondered whether he'd managed to self-inflict a bout of food poisoning after cooking Wednesday evening's dinner...seems doubtful, though, if mum didn't come down with it. Took my constitutional up Highgate Hill. Bumped into Julia from No.29, walking Lucien, her severely autistic 13 year old son. I walked with them for a little while, and was surprised when Lucien took my hand...I reckon he knows who I am by the sound of my voice, though I can't be sure. I walked up to Gail's at the top of Highgate Hill, and bought a coffee, and found a bench in Waterlow Park. Read some more "Milkman"'s becoming unputdownable, though it took a while to get into it. Walked back home via Sainsbury's. Got in and tried rolling out my pastry, but it cracked and crumbled, and seemed too dry, I put it back in the whizzer, and added a little water, which seemed to do the trick. Aki got back in time to help me fill the pastry case with custard, and we shoved it in the oven for half an hour. Very leased with the results...we had some for dessert after finishing off the pork and bean stew. Watched "Boiling Point", the Stephen Graham film having been turned into a sequel of four small screen off to a cracking start...breathless film making!

Sunday, 1 October 2023

Saturday 30th September 2023

Slow start this morning. Read a bit of "Milkman" in bed before rising to cook breakfast. Did a wee shop in Waitrose, and bought some ceramic baking beans to have a go at a custard tart recipe tomorrow. Partook of a light lunch, then hauled our instruments over to the Octopus Garden behind the Council flats off Tufnell Park Road, where we joined their community garden harvest festival. Our Scottish folk tune orchestra was augmented by a couple of ringers, who joined in on fiddle, guitar, and dustbin bass! Really enjoyed it, and came away with some garden produce, namely some heirloom squash, tomatoes, sage, basil, and a French baguette (we'd missed the pumpkin soup). We promised to return to play their Xmas bash in December. Aki cooked salmon steaks for dinner, with potatoes, and heirloom squash...very tasty! Stayed up for MOTD...all good, watchable games. Amazing win for Villa, 6-1 over a good Brighton side, and Man City lost for the first time this season!

Friday 29th September 2023

Fitful night's sleep...woke feeling a bit flu-ey, presumably from yesterday's covid jab! Aki went off for a meeting in Camden, so I lay in bed reading "Milkman" for an hour or so. Got up and porridged, then did a couple of hours at the computer. Rang High View to see what was going on. Dad feeling a bit better, but had sent Kath down to the village to try and get him an appointment to see his GP. Aki came back and cooked more sausages, which we ate with hot dog buns and salad for lunch. Managed a couple more hours or so at the computer after lunch. FaceTimed had gotten to see his GP who diagnosed a stomach bug, presumably picked up at the hospital! He's still very much in resting up mode, and hasn't eaten much. Hopefully things will slowly improve over the weekend. Aki cooked aubergine and tofu with miso and rice for dinner, followed by banana ice cream and a little dark chocolate.