Friday 24 November 2023

Wednesday 22nd November 2023

Fitful night's sleep....the herniated discs in my neck giving me a bit of gip at present. Got up at 0830. Tea. Porridge. Kefir. Aki cycled off to Rowing Club. I put together a packed lunch then headed north to Hatfield, stopping at Sainsbury's in Manor House on the way. Popped into the Hatfield Galleria shopping centre to use the facilities...have driven underneath it on many occassions, as it straddles the A1(M), but had never ventured inside...can't say it was worth the effort. Ate my packed lunch in the car in the car park at South Mimms service station, and drove on to Cheshunt, where I spent the remainder of my working day. Got dark by 1600, so drove home. Aki cooked salmon steak for dinner, with rice and vegetables. Watched a bit of telly before bath and bed....

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