Tuesday 28 November 2023

Saturday 25th November 2023

Slow start to the weekend. Got up and made brunch. Bright, crisp November morning. Got a No.91 bus up to Crouch End to take back a fern Aki had bought as a Xmas present, but which seemed to be ailing already. Walked back via Crouch Hill, popping in at Green & Glory to buy vegetables for tonight's lasagne. Walked across to Waitrose to get some other bits and pieces. Back home, Aki cooked a pumpkin soup. Tokiko turned up a bit earlier than expected, presenting us with a bottle of Prosecco, which was duly opened. I cooked a vegetable lasagne with chard, spinach, leeks, and peas, and a four-cheese sauce. It was a lot of effort, but everyone seemed to enjoy it, though quite whether I'd bother again is a moot point. Served up Waitrose own tiramisu for afters. 

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