Wednesday 22 November 2023

Tuesday 21st November 2023

Woke at 0730 but turned over and went back to sleep! It was 0900 when I woke again. Got up and made tea then got back into bed to read some “Twist”. Got up and porridged, and pottered about a bit while Aki used the computer. Managed about six hours at the coal face, breaking to make lunch. Aki sloped off into town mid-afternoon, intending to pop in to John Lewis's to look at their washing machines on her way to a small Kajima work re-union she'd organised at The Larrick in Marylebone. One of their number is on a flying visit from Japan. I warmed up the mushroom risotto for dinner, combining it with leftover black bean sauce, and lots of vegetables. Watched episode 2 of "Boat Story"'s very quirky, with some very funny ideas in it, not least the portrayal of the main characters' stories through a semi-professional musical theatre piece, watched by the protagonists. The violence is very very violent, though...hence my having to watch it when Aki is out! 

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