Saturday 18 November 2023

Thursday 16th November 2023

Fitful night's sleep...left arm giving me a little gip in the night. Aki up to the alarm at 0830. I got up around 0915 and porridged, then we walked to the community centre in Gillespie Park for Qi Gong class. Aki has been going along with Gayu and Ben from No.38, and George from No.127, and has eventually persuaded me along too. There were three or four other participants in attendance, and a young Chinese teacher who gently took us through her routine. My left arm felt the better for it afterward. Walked back via Waitrose. I made lunch. Aki did some work at the computer in the afternoon while I did some song rehearsal ahead of the Tower Theatre Gig Night next month. Finished off the fish curry for dinner. Watched a bit of telly and rehearsed our xmas ukulele songs before bath and bed...

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