Tuesday 28 November 2023

Monday 27th November 2023

Got up before 0800 and made tea. Porridged. Threw a packed lunch together, then set off for Cheshunt, popping in to Costa at Manor House on the way. By the time I got to Cheshunt, the weather had turned very unpleasant...an insidious drizzle accompanied by low temperatures made the trudge from door to door rather more of a chore than usual! Broke for lunch and drove back to the Brookfield Centre...bought some odds and ends in M&S, and ate my lunch in the car in the car park. Ended the working day on an estate on the Broxbourne borders, then turned for home. Traffic was dire on the A10. Got home about an hour later than scheduled. Aki made dinner with a Japanese twist, utilising some of the leftover chicken. Watched a bit of telly before an early bath and bed...

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