Wednesday 6 September 2023

Tuesday 5th September 2023

Alarm at 0730. Aki brought me a mug of tea and I read in bed before getting to porridge. Had work to do, so sat in front of the computer all morning. Nipped out before lunch to get some bits and pieces for my chicken lahori recipe, which was on this evening's menu. Nice and warm outside...very summery. Worked at the computer after lunch. Broke every now and then to marinade the chicken legs. Had to eat early, as I needed to attend my weight loss zoom session at 1900. Just made it in time...ate the chicken with basmati rice and boiled vegetables. The zoom session as dull as it usually is, but at least that's another one ticked off. My weight seems to have stabilised around the 77kg mark, and is refusing to budge...I probably need to do more exercise, but it's difficult to fit in when working. Not much on the telly, so read a bit before bed...

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