Sunday 3 September 2023

Thursday 31st August 2023

Woke around 0815. Hauled myself out of bed to make tea. Showered then descended in the lift to the breakfast room. Managed to get away by 1000. Inspections first off in Gillingham, and neighbouring Rainham, before doubling back toward Walderslade and the south-eastern suburbs of Chatham. Stopped off at the big Sainsbury's store in Hempstead and bought some lunch. My bad hernia repair was giving me a lot of gip by mid-afternoon, so much so I decided to turn for home. Got back around 1830. Aki cooked chicken in a soup with mooli and vegetables, served with rice, for dinner. Then we sauntered over the road to No.38 for the Book Club meet. "Wise Blood" had predictably caused a mixed reaction...Carlos and I describing it as a masterpiece, but the darker side of the tale rather disturbing the more genteel members of the group. We chose "Milkman" by Anna Burns as the next Book Club read. Enjoyed the conviviality, and Ben's chocolate brownie cake and cream!

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