Friday 29 September 2023

Thursday 28th September 2023

Hauled myself out of bed this morning. Porridged. Worked at the computer for most of the morning, plodding away at the VP research for Thurrock District Council. Back in my Basildon days, I used to rehearse in Grays with my short-lived blues band...the place hasn't improved any! Had dinner for lunch...ate the tortelloni with a pizzaiola sauce and broccoli. Aki had to walk up to the Whittington for a blood test, so I accompanied her as far as the pharmacy opposite the National Youth Theatre on Holloway Road. I went in and queued for my covid jab, while Aki continued northward. Popped in to Sainsburys afterward to buy hot dog rolls for this evening's film night. The guests began arriving around 1915, first Carlos and Jane from No.36. Bumped into Lynne from upstairs, who revealed she had had a tick removed from her upper back...has no idea where she picked it up, possibly off her dog would be my guess...she has been diagnosed with Lyme Disease! George from No.127 showed up without Katherine, but with a homemade banana loaf; Dulcie turned up unexpectedly, and stayed for a quick chat, but then left; Ben and Gayu turned up with a huge bowl of popcorn. I put the sausages on, and people served themselves once they'd been cooked, then I put some 70s era Pearl & Dean ads on the big screen, that I'd found on YouTube, then we watched "Wise Blood". Really enjoyed it...John Huston did a great job of staying true to the novel, and the casting was very good, especially Ned Beatty as the huckster preacher. Picked up messages from Kath afterward saying dad wasn't feeling well, and had taken himself off to bed. It appears they forgot he was due to have his catheter removed until alerted by a call from the Freeman asking where he was! He'd driven himself across there, with mum in tow, but they decided to put the catheter back in as his bladder wasn't emptying...sounds like a prostate problem to me...hopefully all will become clearer tomorrow!

Wednesday 27 September 2023

Wednesday 27th September 2023

Aki up early to ready herself for Rowing Club. I woke around 0815 and made back into bed and read some "Milkman". Got up and started up the computer. Porridged on coarse cut oats...very dense, a bit like eating quick drying cement mortar. Worked until 1115, then took my constitutional, walking up Highgate Hill to Gail's...took a takeaway latte into Waterlow Park, and sat on a bench to read more "Milkman". Happened upon a little historical plaque in one of the little shops fronting Highgate had been run as a butcher's for many decades, the butcheress having three sons, one of whom became a local fishmonger, one a dentist, and one other took over the butchery. The text informed me that the brothers were known locally as "Fishy", "Toothy" and "Porky"! Walked back down the hill, popping into M&S to get milk and leaf salad. Aki back home by the time I got in. I threw lunch together, then got back in front of the computer. No sign of the much heralded Storm fact, it's quite warm out. Aki made a pork and black bean stew for dinner, with a little cake and banana ice cream for afters. Watched "Race Around the World". I made a butter bean and chilli oil dish to stick in the fridge...tasty on salads. Shower and bed...

Tuesday 26th September 2023

Slow start this morning. Aki brought me a mug of tea. I eventually got up and porridged, and worked at the computer writing up notes from yesterday's inspections, and uploading the photos. Tried one of the mushroom and leek sausages for lunch which I'd bought for the vegetarians we are due to host on Thursday was excellent...firm, and flavoursome. Worked for most of the afternoon at the computer. Aki baked trout for dinner, which we ate with savoury lentils and vegetables. Had a small piece of biscuit cake for afters, with a dollop of ice cream on top, then signed in to this evening's nutrition zoom meeting. My weight is now down to below 74.5kg, which means I've lost about 8kg over the last two months or so. Nowt much on telly so ended up watching another episode of "Better Call Saul", which saw our hero having to trudge through the New Mexico desert lugging $7m in two large carrier made me very thirsty! Shower and bed...

Monday 25th September 2023

Woke around 0800, feeling weary. Aki brought tea. Got up and porridged, and got my packed lunch together. Set off southward at 0930, the Isle of Dogs being the first port of call. Stopped off at the ASDA opposite Crossharbour DLR station, to use the facilities. Then I pointed the car south of the river, via the Rotherhithe Tunnel. Stopped for lunch in the car park at Sainsbury's in New Cross. Then it was on to Bromley, Croydon, Thornton Heath, and Raynes Park, before ending the working day in Clapham. Turned for home. Got in just after 1900. Aki was just sitting down to her dinner...I followed about 15 minutes later. Had the chicken and mushroom pasta sauce with tagliatelle. Watched the first episode of ITV's "The Long Shadow", outlining the stories behind the victims of Peter Sutcliffe...Toby Jones plays the dogged detective, and the 70s era clothing and decor etc are well done...bit of a grim tale, though!

Sunday 24th September 2023

Woke around 0830. Aki up to ready herself for Rowing Club. Brought me a mug of tea. Aki cooked breakfast. Nice cheesy omelette. She cycled off, and I got in front of the computer to do a couple of hours work. Broke to make lunch...had the poached fig, with paneer, parma ham, and toast. Aki rang to say she'd spotted Tim and Lynne (an actorly couple I'd worked with at Stoke), whom Aki had met in Bury St Edmunds when we went up for Tim's 60th birthday earlier in the year, on their barge, Johannes, near Tottenham Hale! They had managed to exchange a few words in transit. Amazing! I ventured out once the Arsenal v Spurs game had kicked off...did a little shop in Waitrose, and called in on the Italian pasta maker in the new food hall above the Nags Head Market...bought some of his delicious tortelloni. Came home and cooked a pizzaiola sauce, and then made dinner, a chick pea and aubergine stew, with a rich tomato sauce, which we ate with vegetables; ice cream and banana for afters. Watched a bit of the Wales v Australia rugby World Cup game. Noticed that Newcastle had beaten Sheffield United by a rugby score this afternoon. Sunderland, on the other hand... 

Saturday 23rd September 2023

Woke around 0830. Aki got up and made tea, which we drank in bed. Read a little "Milkman" before getting up to prepare brunch. Aki cycled off to the fishmonger on Essex Road. Did a little work at the computer. Aki brought a loaf of fresh sourdough back with her, so we had toast for lunch. Walked to Finsbury Park to have a quick gander in the new French bakery on Blackstock Road...we were greeted with a "Bonjour" on entry from the friendly staff, who talked us through some of their produce. We promised to return to try the coffee. Caught a No.106 bus toward Stoke Newington. It's London Design Week, so there are a number of venues hosting open days over the weekend. We first visited a gift shop on Church Street which specialises in selling stuff made by local practitioners...Aki liked a little backpack, and persuaded me to buy it for her for Christmas! Walked on into Stoke Newington. Aki couldn't resist popping in to Hub...and ended up spending over £200 on a very nice yellow hoodie, and a pair of baggy black pants in a heavy linen mix. Walked on to Praxis on Belfast Road, an old Victorian factory building now housing studios hired out to local artists, milliners, furniture makers etc. Had a wander through the rooms, and a look at the small exhibition. Then it was on to the Tower Theatre, who were staging an exhibition of some of their past set and costume designs. Bumped into Janet South, who was propping up the, in the company of Max Batty and Jude Chalk, who are probably the most prolific of the theatre designers to be found at the Tower. Got home around 1800. Aki cooked mackerel for dinner, with miso paste, sticky rice, vegetables and kimchi. Watched "Women Talking" on Amazon Prime. It had gotten bigged up when it came out last earlier in the year, but I found it all a bit mannered and unconvincing...a bit of a waste of an hour and three quarters! 

Saturday 23 September 2023

Friday 22nd September 2023

Woke around 0815. Got up and made tea. Grey day outside, after yesterday's heavy rain. Porridged, then did some work at the computer until breaking for lunch. Afterwards, we walked to Finsbury Park station, and caught the Victoria Line tube train to Green Park, then sauntered down Piccadilly to the Royal Academy. Went to see the Herzog & de Meuron was smaller than I'd anticipated, occupying just three rooms in the north wing, the first comprising various models of historical architectural projects housed in large glass fronted cabinets, which made some of it difficult to get a good look at, especially the models on the top and bottom shelves. There were some great photos on the walls, though, blown up to enormous proportions. The second room housed a double screen, and we sat and watched a 30 minute compilation of moving pictures filmed inside and outside some of their iconic made us want to go and visit them! Especially taken with the Philharmonic Hall in Hamburg. The final room detailed a current project for a huge children's hospital in Switzerland. Wandered onto to Regent Street afterward, and popped into Uniglo to buy t-shirts, then took a tube train to Caledonian Road, and a No.91 bus home. I cooked a chicken and mushroom pasta sauce, which we had with wholewheat tagliatelle, and some vegetables. Bread pudding and ice cream for dessert. FaceTimed Kath, who told us dad had been discharged from the Freeman and was now home...FaceTimed them for a quick catch-up. Dad looked a little drawn, but otherwise none-the-worse for wear. He's got to keep a catheter in for week, though, which is always a bit discomfiting. Watched a bit of telly before bath and bed...

Thursday 21 September 2023

Thursday 21st September 2023

Aki already up when I came round...she is starting her Zoe nutrition programme, and has to eat specially constructed muffins for breakfast, then take scientific readings to determine her blood sugar levels. She brought me a mug of tea, and I read some Pickwick, before rising to porridge. Andy G called with some work, so I spent a few hours prepping. Poured down with rain...sounds of thunder in the near distance. Broke for lunch...Aki still eating her muffins, so I only had myself to cater for. Did a bit more work in the afternoon, then read some "Milkman" before getting the dinner. Warmed up the remainder of the egg and potato curry, adding some fried paneer, which was eaten with rice, followed by bread pudding and a little ice cream. Made contact with mum and Kath, who had been to see dad at the hospital this evening...they are keeping him in overnight, as he has a catheter in, and they want to make sure he doesn't come down with an infection. Otherwise, the news was signs of any problem with his bladder. Watched a bit of telly...interesting documentary following the life and early career of Pablo Picasso.

Wednesday 20th September 2023

Woke around 0830...Aki already up and at 'em, and she cycled off to Rowing Club. I got up and porridged, then worked at the computer until breaking for lunch. Aki came back for soup and focaccia. Grey afternoon, with outbreaks of rain. Did a couple more hours at the computer. Aki cooked hake for dinner, which we ate with bulgar wheat and vegetables...bread pudding for dessert, with a bit of ice cream. Read some more Anna Burns...really quite enjoying it. She has a very idiosyncratic style which immerses you inside the head of her protagonist. Bath and bed...

Tuesday 19 September 2023

Tuesday 19th September 2023

Woke around 0830. Got up and made tea. Porridged, and had some prune juice. Very tasty! Aki took herself off to meet Tammy at the Royal Academy, where they were going to take a look at the current Herzog & de Meuron exhibition. Heated up some ham and pea soup to take as packed lunch, then headed east on inspections. Stopped off at Tesco in Bow and bought some odds and ends. Got to Stanford-le-Hope just before lunchtime...only had one unit to visit, and luckily the tenant opened the door and let me in. He turned out to be a retired painter and decorator, and was obviously up for a chat...his wife had passed away 5 years ago, so I guess he feels a bit lonely rattling around in a three bed terraced house on his own, save for his dog. Drove round the corner to East Tilbury and parked up at Coalhouse Fort and ate my lunch. Very windy outside, but I took a turn around the was built in the 1860s in response to Lord Palmerston's urging to beef up the nation's defences, fearing French aggression. Bought tea and cake in the little on site cafe, then drove home. Did some work at the computer before warming up the lasagne...added some more cheese sauce to bulk it up a bit. Aki said Tammy had showed up at the RA with a walking stick...and has been diagnosed with stomach cancer! That's not stopping her flying to Japan in a couple of weeks, though, for a three week tour with husband Franco. 

Monday 18th September 2023

Watched a bit of the violent thunderstorm before nodding off last night. The rain thundered down on the bedroom roof. Alarm at 0745. Aki got up and made tea. I got up and porridged as she ventured out to see the GP round the corner. I followed after breakfast for my flu jab appointment...I was also given a pneumonia jab. Walked home none the worse for wear. Vacuumed. Made pea and ham soup for lunch, which was very tasty...used up the stock from boiling the ham joint the other night. Went for a walk...ambled down to Highbury Corner and bought some focaccia in the new food store that has taken over the old Barclays Bank, then walked back up Holloway Road, popping in to Waitrose, and Morrisons, along the way. The forecast rain held off. Cooked a potato and egg curry for dinner, which we ate with basmati rice and a chapati. 

Monday 18 September 2023

Sunday 17th September 2023

Woke around 0800. Aki got up and made tea. Cooked breakfast. Headed out, as Aki had booked us in for an Open House visit to a flat in Southwark. Took a No.17 bus from Nags Head to London Bridge, then walked down Borough High Street. Took a brief detour into Lant Street, where the 11 year old Charles Dickens had been lodged in a garratt room near Marshalsea Debtors Prison, where his father had been incarcerated. Don't think much of the street would be recognisable to young Charles now, though. The Open House venue was a fourth floor flat in a 30s era Council block, which had been slightly enlarged by the owner knocking through to the disused communal laundry space next door. It was a tiny flat still, though, but he had commissioned a joiner to make much of the furniture in laminated ply. He hosts emerging artists from around the globe, who are given bed and board in return for staging an exhibition of their work in the flat...we promised to keep our eye out for any future exhibitions via his website. 

Wandered back to Borough High Street via an alleyway, the southern boundary of which was marked by a high brick wall...found a plaque stating that it had once formed the southern boundary wall to the Marshalsea Debtors Prison. We had planned to get lunch at Wright Bros in Borough Market, but as we walked up the High Street it started by the time we got undercover at the Market, hundreds of people had had the same idea...the place was gridlocked. 

Decided to walk on over London Bridge, and Aki remembered a little Japanese udon noodle house she had once eaten in. It was situated in the pedestrian underpass beneath Norman Fosters' Bloomburg HQ. Food was good...had broth with a large tempura prawn floating in it. I had a feeling the Temple of Mithras site was very near at hand, and we came across it as we walked around the southern corner of the Bloomburg building. 

To our astonishment it was free to gain entry...Bloomburg had financed the creation of a mini museum, and, after perusing some of the 14,000 artifacts that had been discovered on the site when the foundations were being dug in 2010, we descended to a sub basement where the temple footprint had been found, and is now very atmospherically displayed...we were within touching distance of beautifully built stone works that were 1,800 years old. We regained the street level, and popped in to Wren's St Stephens, Walbrook...there is a huge alter stone beneath the impressive cupola, hewn by Henry Moore. Chad Varah had been rector here, and had founded the Samaritans on the very spot. We headed home after that. I cooked dinner...confit of duck, with sauteed potatoes, lentils, vegetables, and a mushroom sauce. Managed to FaceTime ma and pa...they looked in good nick. Dad has an appointment for an endoscopy procedure on Thursday. They are going to put him under. Hope it sheds some light on what's been troubling him! FaceTimed Kath, who has been swimming in the North Sea...she seems to enjoy it! Watched England v Japan from the Rugby World Cup...Japan were well beaten in the end, probably because most  of their players are no more than 5'5" tall!!! Bathed before bed...

Sunday 17 September 2023

Saturday 16th September 2023

Woke around up and made tea. Read in bed for a bit, before rising and making brunch. Nice day, so decided to take a walk up Highgate Hill. Bought coffee at the little Italian deli near the top of the hill, and repaired to a bench in Waterlow Park, with a view of the Shard in the distance. Walked back home via the grocer's on Seven Sisters Road. Did a little gardening this afternoon...cut down bits of the dead tree in the back yard. Made some pickled cucumber to stick in the fridge, then put together a spinach and courgette lasagne with a mascarpone and parmesan sauce. We ate it with broccoli, and courgette, followed by banana ice cream and blackberries. Watched "Hell Or High Water", a crime thriller with a western feel, set in modern day Texas...Jeff Bridges was good value as usual, as the ageing cop on one last stake out. 

Friday 15 September 2023

Friday 15th September 2023

Alarm at 0545. Had to get up to mix another litre of solution prior to my colonoscopy appointment this afternoon. Sat on the sofa reading "Pickwick", then did a couple of hours work at the computer. Watched Aki enjoy her porridge. I'm not allowed solids until after the procedure, so prepared a packed 'lunch' to gorge upon at the hospital later this afternoon. Aki drove me to the Whittington so I could show her where to pick me up from later. Got to Outpatients on time, but had to wait almost an hour before being ushered into the nurse's office for some tests and form filling. Then I was shown the male changing rooms, and given a huge pair of black paper pants to don, underneath a couple of surgical gowns. The endoscopist introduced himself...he seemed to be in a bit of a hurry, maybe trying to catch up after the morning session. He warned that there were small chances of things going awry, such as an accidental perforation of the lower intestine...I shut my eyes and signed the consent form! The procedure lasted about 30 minutes, and I was able to watch as the camera floated through my other-worldly netherworld...a couple of polyps were discovered and hastily removed, tiny metal clips being put in place to stem the bleeding, and the offending articles despatched to the lab for testing. All seemed to go well, and I was walked through to the recovery area and given a tea. Ate my packed lunch, and waited for Aki to turn up, which she duly did, and I made good my escape. Aki cooked a gammon joint for dinner, which we ate with potatoes, vegetables, and a mustard sauce. Caught up with "Better Call Saul" before shower and bed...

Thursday 14th September 2023

Slept through until 0830. Got up and made tea. Ham and cheese toasties for breakfast. Caught up with my food diary. Evidently went over my calorie allowance on occassion in Berlin, as was to be expected, but I was disappointed to see my weight had gone up a kilo since leaving for Germany...I'd hoped the continuous tramping of the streets of Potsdam and Berlin in 30C heat would have had the opposite effect! Aki cooked up some rice porridge for my  final meal before I begin fasting prior to my surgical procedure at Whittington Hospital tomorrow afternoon. Listened to Interbellum's most recent album...we had heard the front man deliver two songs at the open mic in Berlin on Tuesday night...he's evidently heavily influenced by Mercury Rev...nice, gentle, reflective songs. Weather was good so ventured out for an afternoon walk to Highbury Fields, returning via Waitrose where we stocked up a bit. At 1900 hours I had to make up a solution in one litre of water, intended to help clean out my innards prior to tomorrow's colonoscopy! That was my dinner...the ascorbic acid in the mix made it taste vaguely palatable, like a litre of Sicilian lemonade!

Thursday 14 September 2023

Wednesday 13th September 2023

Woken at 0400 by the sounds of thunder...took a look out of the bedroom window. Great gusts of wind were toying with the birch trees outside, and playing havoc with the sun screen curtains in the neighbouring block of flats, and there were occassional bursts of lightning overhead. It looked like an Allied bombing raid! Managed to get back to sleep. Alarm at 0745. Got up and did some packing before descending to the bistro for breakfast.

We checked out after breakfast, leaving our baggage in a back room, and ventured out for a last look at central Berlin. Aimed for Mies van der Rohe's Neue Nationale Galerie...took a bus, and walked from Potsdamerplatz. Paid to go in to the Gerhard Richter exhibition. The 91 year old German artist has donated 100 works to the Galerie, among them four panels which featured blown up photos of bodies being burned at Birkenau, which he over-painted to obliterate the offending images from history. It was very moving. 

Wandered round the rest of the gallery, but couldn't access the sculpture garden. Took a bus to Friedrichstrasse for a walk past Checkpoint Charlie, then zigzagged our way back to the hotel. Had soup for lunch in the little cafe opposite the hotel, then collected our baggage and headed for the U caught in rain on the way, but were lucky to miss the worst of absolutely poured down whilst we waited for our train, rattling the station platform roof.  Changed for the S Bahn at Warschauerstrasse, and got to the airport in good time to check in and go through security. 

Smooth ride into London City Airport, which meant circling above central London so as to approach the runway from the west, eliciting some great views of the Thames. Got a DLR train to Bank, then Northern Line to Kings Cross, where we picked up a No.91 bus home. Aki cooked a pasta carbonara for dinner, and we unpacked and rested up before I got to soak in the bath before bed...I need a holiday!

Tuesday 12th September 2023

Got up and breakfasted downstairs in the hotel bistro…it was better than I thought it was going to be. The ham and the bread were particularly good. Ventured south-eastward today. Took ourselves down to Platz der Luftbrucke to ogle the largely disused buildings that made up Templehof airport, which the west used for the  Berlin Airlift in the late 40s. We wanted to take a look at the old airfield, which has been turned into cycle tracks and walks, but we couldn’t find a way in from the north-west corner…walked and bussed our way along the lengthy northern perimeter, and were able to cut through the woodland along the eastern end of the airfield, which eventually opened up to us…it’s vast, and provides no cover, so we were glad we hadn’t found our way in earlier, as we’d have had to walk it in 30C heat! 

Zigzagged our way south to Hermannstrassse S-Bahn station where we hopped on a train to Spindlersfeld. Found the little island with Schloss Kopenick on it, and ate in a waterside restaurant…I had Wiener Schnitzel and potatoes. Walked in the grounds of the modest Kopenick palace before heading back west to Neukolln. 

Walked up Karl Marx Strasse through some very grim looking areas…lots of homelessness and drunks about…it slowly improved as we walked north toward the Rathaus, but we were a bit shocked at how tatty it all was, especially as I’d read that the area was getting trendy and rejuvenated. Found a knodel bar for dinner…they specialised in different flavoured German dumplings…I had a bacon one, a cheese one, and a tarragon one, with a bowl of mushroom sauce on the side. 
Walked down to a seedy little joint on Donaustrasse called Donau115, which hosts live music. Tonight was open mic night, run by an American chap named Chad. It was a very intimate venue, and the standard of the acts was very high. 

We especially enjoyed the Finnish lady who accompanied her sad melancholy songs on the house piano, with backing vocals from several of her chums who happened to be stood at the bar at the rear. Caught a bus back to Hallesches Tor and walked back to the hotel.

Monday 11th September 2023

Got up around 0900 and went in search of breakfast. Wandered northward and ate outside a trendy modern cafe called Freustuck 3000. The staff all seemed very camp to a man. Food was good…a tasty frittata with potatoes, bacon and green beans in it. The coffee was lousy though. Ambled back through the grounds of Libskind’s Jewish Museum and got ourselves sorted before heading east on the U Bahn. 

Walked down Schlesischestrasse to take a look at the Bonjour Tristesse building, a seven storey block of 80s era social housing designed by Portuguese architect Alvaro Siza Vieira. The area seems to have gone markedly downhill since I stayed there on tour with Proper Job theatre company in 2000. But it remains very lively. 

Walked up to Markethalle Neun, one of the last remaining 19th Century market buildings left in the city. It is now full of trendy food stalls…we stopped to enjoy a delicious tub of ice cream. 

Hopped on a bus up to Spittalmarkt and walked to OMA’s new Axel Springer Campus building, which I caught reflected in the office block on the opposite side of the road. 

Then walked along the kanal to Museumsinsel and a look at David Chipperfield’s James Simon Galerie. 

Caught a bus into the city centre, then the U Bahn southward to Platz der Luftbrucke, and wandered through the back streets until we came across an atmospheric little German restaurant. They managed to get us seated inside…I had the leg of rabbit and mashed potatoes, and we shared an apricot dumpling and custard for afters. Walked back to the hotel up Zoessnerstrasse. Aki had a swim and sauna in the basement spa.

Sunday 10th September 2023

Woke around 0830. Slow start after yesterday’s journeying. Had a shower and got dressed. Ventured out to find water, assuming the supermarket I’d passed on my way up from Prinzenstrasse U Bahn station last night would be open…it wasn’t! Found a little Turkish cafe round the corner and bought three bottles to take back to my room. 

Headed out on another sortie to find brunch. Walked westward toward Mehringdamm, and came across Kreuzberg Haus…a vaguely distressed looking old warehouse building…nice big airey room. Had salmon cured in vodka, with labneh and pickle. Trotted back to the hotel and got ready to journey to Potsdam. Took a U1 to Wittenbergplatz, then a U2 to Zoo, where I changed for the S Bahn to Potsdam. 

Wandered into the town centre via the river bank, ending up in the Dutch Quarter. No shops open to get water supplies, so stopped at Cafe No.15 for iced chocolate and ice cream. Walked on through the Brandenburg Gate to the eastern fringes of Park Sansoucci. It’s massive…like Hyde Park on steroids! Wandered up to the Schloss, through the terraced gardens, then headed back into town. 

Met Aki at her hotel. Great view across Potsdam from the 16th floor. Left her luggage there and went in search of some dinner. Ended up sat outside a small restaurant called La Madeleine…had a sub standard goulash with baked potato and sour cream. Got a tram back to the hotel where Aki checked out, and we crossed the bridge to the Hauptbanhof. Had to wait 20 minutes for the S7. Too weary to contemplate crossing town on the U Bahn so hailed a taxi from Zoo station, which cost a very reasonable £15…

Saturday 9th September 2023

Woke around 0800. Got up and made tea. Set about trying to use up the contents of the fridge…cooked a 3 egg omelette with mushrooms, peppers, and Parmesan cheese. Made a tuna mayo sandwich to take to the airport for lunch. Finished packing, ironed a shirt, and watered the plants before walking to Finsbury Park in the noonday heat…popped in to M&S to buy bottled water, then headed down to the tube. Got to T5 at Heathrow in good time…it was very hot on the tube train. 

Sat in the concourse and ate my sandwich then headed through security. Wandered round the shops, killing time. The flight was delayed by 45 minutes or so, but we eventually got on board and taxied to the queue of planes backing up on the runway. Uneventful flight…I read a little but kept nodding off. Berlin Brandenburg airport is clean and modern. Got through immigration and found my way down to the S-bahn platform…a €4 ticket gets me into the city centre. Nice roomy train with good air conditioning. Had to change at Warschauerstrasse to pick up the U-bahn…got caught up in huge crowds…not sure whether they were heading for an event, or from it…I think Germany were playing Japan this evening, funnily enough. Got the U3 line and got off at Prinzenstrasse and walked to the Yard hotel, a small modern boutique affair in Kreuzberg. Too weary to go find something to eat…besides it was gone 2130! Went for an early night…Aki was attending a gala dinner hosted by the Berlin Rowing Club…I’ll go meet her in Potsdam tomorrow…

Saturday 9 September 2023

Friday 8th September 2023

Alarm at 0730. Got up and made tea. Porridged at my desk, and worked until noon. Vince turned up to take a quick look at the shower tap, as it hasn't been behaving quite right...I suspect the plastic inner cog has failed. Vince reckoned it would work perfectly well without it. Said he'd come back next week once we've returned from Prussia. I had some lunch, then walked up to the Whittington Hospital for my blood test. No queue. I had been requested to pop in on the Day Care Outpatients desk to pick up some laxatives which I'll need to take before my colonoscopy next Friday. I was ushered in to see a nurse who did some pre-assessment on me, and handed over the dreaded seems I'm going to have to go on a low fibre diet a couple of days before the procedure, and then fast for the 24 hours prior. Walked back down Highgate Hill. Finished off some work at the computer, then did some packing. Warmed up some pizzaiola sauce, and added some tuna, which I then mixed into some tagliatelle...very tasty! Did online flight check in and printed off my boarding pass...all ready for tomorrow's trip to Berlin! 

Friday 8 September 2023

Thursday 7th September 2023

Alarm at 0730. Aki got up and made tea...I got up and did some work at the computer, where I porridged. Made a packed lunch. Broke at 1045 to load Aki and her baggage into the car. Set off for Silvertown, and London City Airport. Found the drop off point without any trouble, and said our goodbyes. I drove on to Strood, via a comfort break at IKEA in Charlton. Ate my lunch in the car on Church Green, overlooking the River Medway and Rochester Cathedral. Bought some odds and ends in M&S then concentrated on mopping up the external inspections in Chatham, before turning for home. Got in around 1630 and did some work at the computer. Aki had found her way to her hotel in Potsdam without any trouble...we partook of a brief FaceTime call. Kersey, her room mate for the next three nights, hadn't arrived yet, as her plane had been delayed at Gatwick. Aki went off to join the girls for tapas in a restaurant across the road from her hotel. I warmed up the remains of the pork stir fry, which I ate with some vegetables. Watched a bit of telly, and read some Pickwick before bath and bed...

Wednesday 6 September 2023

Wednesday 6th September 2023

Alarm at 0730. Dozed to R4 for a bit before rising for porridge. Spent the morning in front of the computer. Aki nipped out on her bike to get some bread. Very hot outside. Matt accidentally rang...he'd been out for a run, as he's in training for a 5k cross country jaunt in October...we said we'd come a watch! Sarah is now back home in Northampton, looking for work. Eliza is sitting her final architecture exams today, after which she will be fully qualified! Broke for lunch. Back at the computer for most of the afternoon. Broke to watch the News at Six. Aki cooked up a tasty dinner of pan-fried hake with butter beans in a toothsome sauce. Read more "Dickens" in the evening, as Aki packed her travel bags...she's off to Berlin tomorrow morning! Bath and bed...

Tuesday 5th September 2023

Alarm at 0730. Aki brought me a mug of tea and I read in bed before getting to porridge. Had work to do, so sat in front of the computer all morning. Nipped out before lunch to get some bits and pieces for my chicken lahori recipe, which was on this evening's menu. Nice and warm outside...very summery. Worked at the computer after lunch. Broke every now and then to marinade the chicken legs. Had to eat early, as I needed to attend my weight loss zoom session at 1900. Just made it in time...ate the chicken with basmati rice and boiled vegetables. The zoom session as dull as it usually is, but at least that's another one ticked off. My weight seems to have stabilised around the 77kg mark, and is refusing to budge...I probably need to do more exercise, but it's difficult to fit in when working. Not much on the telly, so read a bit before bed...

Monday 4th September 2023

Alarm at 0730, as Aki wanted to get used to an early start prior to heading for her rowing trip later in the week. I read in bed before rising for porridge. Had intended to do some work today, but put it off, and read instead. Ploughing through Peter Ackroyd's "Dickens" at a rate of knots. What a remarkable rise to fame young Charlie had...he was so famous by the time he'd reached 30, that great crowds followed him about on his trip to America...sort of Beatlemania. At a New York hotel he had to stand in the hallway and shake hands with an endless stream of took two hours! We took the car to Waitrose late afternoon to do a shop. Aki cooked stir fried pork fillet for dinner. Managed to get through to ma and pa to check up on dad's hospital visit...he has been promised another hip operation, but given no time scale, which is frustrating. Watched a bit of telly before bed...

Sunday 3rd September 2023

Aki up early to ready herself for Rowing Club. I languished in bed reading my Dickens. Got up after Aki had cycled off east, and made myself a simple porridge breakfast. Read some more. Got side-tracked by reading about Joseph Grimaldi, the great clown...Dickens had been a fan, and had edited Joe's memoirs after his early death in 1837. He died alone, a bankrupt alcoholic, in his town house in Southampton Street, but was buried in a churchyard in Pentonville, which has since been renamed Joseph Grimaldi Park...I must have been past it dozens of times without knowing, so I shall have to pay a visit when next in the vicinity. Made lunch before Aki got home. Pottered about, reading mostly. Tried FaceTiming the folks, but no reply. Wandered up to the pub for folk band rehearsal…low turnout, just five of us. Ate the tortelloni we'd bought at the Nag's Head Market yesterday, for dinner. It was very good...ate it with my homemade pizzaiola sauce and vegetables. Watched a bit of telly before bed...

Sunday 3 September 2023

Saturday 2nd September 2023

Woke late and lay in bed reading for a bit before getting up for a hefty brunch. Decided to take a walk, as the weather looked good. Caught a bus to Camden Town, and walked up Parkway, past the first Ladies public lavatory built in London...only after the strenuous campaigning of George Bernard Shaw, apparently! Walked past the Dublin Castle public house, where I and a few pals used to go on Friday nights to dance very drunkenly to the gigging our surveying suits! The walk took us down onto the footpath of the Regents Canal, and past Lord Snowden's aviary at London Zoo, now used to house gibbons! They stared at us as we passed below. Then it was across Regents Park, and a circumlocution of the boating lake, before we cut down to York Gate and Park Crescent. From thence on to Fitzroy Square, where we stopped outside the former residence of GBS, and ending our expedition in the once famous Fitzroy Tavern with a badly needed glass of lager! Got a bus home. Popped in to the new food court above Nags Head opened only a couple of weeks ago, but looked sadly empty, though we were a little early for dinner. Bought some tortellini from the Italian food stand, and promised to return for dinner soon. Aki baked hake with tomatoes and cheese for dinner, followed by apple crumble and oat custard. Watched Scorcese's "Cape Fear" on the iPlayer...not one of Martin's greatest, despite the presence of an all-star had a strangely theatrical feel, unlike the gritty realism of his earlier films. 

Friday 1st September 2023

Very weary this morning after my exertions in the Medway towns. Aki brought me a mug of tea. Got up around 0930. Porridged. Worked at the computer for most of the morning, uploading the photos of the last two days. Broke for lunch, then returned to the computer for a couple of hours before finally breaking for dinner. We warmed up the pork and black bean stew. Kath sent a photo of dad proudly holding the silver birch tree trunk he'd managed to sever from it's roots, like a prize marlin! He's unstoppable...!!! Watched a bit of telly before shower and bed...

Thursday 31st August 2023

Woke around 0815. Hauled myself out of bed to make tea. Showered then descended in the lift to the breakfast room. Managed to get away by 1000. Inspections first off in Gillingham, and neighbouring Rainham, before doubling back toward Walderslade and the south-eastern suburbs of Chatham. Stopped off at the big Sainsbury's store in Hempstead and bought some lunch. My bad hernia repair was giving me a lot of gip by mid-afternoon, so much so I decided to turn for home. Got back around 1830. Aki cooked chicken in a soup with mooli and vegetables, served with rice, for dinner. Then we sauntered over the road to No.38 for the Book Club meet. "Wise Blood" had predictably caused a mixed reaction...Carlos and I describing it as a masterpiece, but the darker side of the tale rather disturbing the more genteel members of the group. We chose "Milkman" by Anna Burns as the next Book Club read. Enjoyed the conviviality, and Ben's chocolate brownie cake and cream!