Wednesday, 23 October 2024

Tuesday 22nd October 2024

Woke around 1000. Aki already up and working at the computer. Got up and porridged before heading for the theatre in the car with my electric guitar on board. Phil and Ruth were already there finishing off the set build. I re-set my amp and pedals on the band stage ahead of tonight's dress run. Reckoned I needed another couple of cables, so left the car in Alkham Road and caught a bus into Camden to buy a couple at GuitarGuitar. Got a bus home...Aki had already had her lunch, so I made do with peanut butter on toast and some chocolate. Listened back to some of the Witch backing tracks, but aside from re-plotting my amp volume levels now I've got a channel-changer in the mix, not much more I can do ahead of showtime! Early dinner...Aki had cooked up some chicken with tarragon a couple of days ago, so had that with some mashed potato and vegetables before setting off for Stoke Newington again, on foot...Arsenal playing at home this evening, so thought it not worth the risk of trying to drive to the theatre, hence my leaving the car in Alkham Road. Walked to Brownswood Road, and hopped on a bus from there. Sorted out my pedal cabling, then sat about waiting for the run to start...didn't kick off until 2020. First Act seemed to go well, especially for us in the band. Act Two had a few sticky moments, but we all stumbled through. Not sure what the actors thought...they seemed a little deflated afterward. Drove home. Aki already abed. I bathed. Got to bed around 0100...

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