Thursday 17 October 2024

Tuesday 15th October 2024

Woke around 1000. Aki got up and made tea, which I supped in bed. Got up and porridged. Did a load of ironing while listening to The Smile's new album. Walked to Camden after lunch…popped in at the Irish Centre on the way to see what events were planned…nothing caught the eye. Walked on to GuitarGuitar to change the power cable to the wahwah pedal I bought yesterday. Bought some strings and a tin of plectra. Caught a No.29 bus back to Holloway. Bought some odds and ends in Morrisons. Warmed up the chicken stew for dinner, and made some mashed potato. Changed the strings on my electric guitar. The lighter gauge meant the new strings buzzed horribly! Suspect the neck has warped having had the heavier strings on for years! Will need to take it to Angus tomorrow!!!

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