Saturday 12 October 2024

Thursday 10th October 2024

Aki up early to ready herself for a meeting in Camden. She cycled off before I woke around 0900. Got up and made porridge and tea, returning to my bed to eat and drink. Got up around 1015. Worked through some "Witch" numbers in the back bedroom. Aki back for lunch, having come home via the hairdresser's on Essex Road. Pottered about for the afternoon, then went for my constitutional, walking up Camden Road, then back down Parkhurst Road, before veering toward Waitrose, where I bought some provisions. Aki pan-fried some salmon for dinner, which we had with miso soup, and rice. I then made half-a-dozen berry and pear hand pies, and we walked them across to the Book Club meet at No.38. Ben and Gayu hosted, and aside from ourselves, Dulcie, Polly, Gareth, and Jane, showed up. Mixed reactions to "The Siege of Krishnapur"...Gareth his usual somewhat dismissive self, and Ben got a bit pompous about the treatment of the native Indian characters, seeming to miss the point of the satire. We chose "Free" as the next read, a memoir by an Albanian, recounting the fall of communism there in the latter part of last century...not sure I'm up for it, to be honest...I voted for Toni Morrison's "Beloved". Got home around 2200. Watched "The Ten" before bath and bed...

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