Sunday 27 August 2023

Saturday 26th August 2023

Woke around 0800. Got up and porridged. Walked up to Yerbury Farmers' Market only to find it wasn't on today, presumably as it was Bank Holiday weekend. Mounted Highgate Hill, and bought a sourdough loaf at Gail's, and takeaway coffees, which we drank in Waterlow Park. Aki left to get home in time to take a zoom call. I sat on a park bench and picked off a couple of chapters of Pickwick Papers, before ambling back home via M&S. Aki still on call when I got in, so made lunch...smoked salmon with poached egg and hollandaise sauce. Thunder storm came in mid afternoon. The car got a good 'washing'. Warmed up the chicken and mango curry for dinner. Ate it on our laps whilst watching the athletics. 

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