Saturday 26 August 2023

Friday 18th August 2023

Not much to report today. Weather a bit grey, and it drizzled a bit on our walk down to Darras Hall. Kath came with us, and we sat and had a rather watery coffee outside Davidson's bakery. Walked back up Woodside in the rain. Dad had received a letter from the Freeman Hospital inviting him in for pre-op tests next month. Next door neighbours had hired a tree surgeon to take down the huge maple in their garden, as it's branches have started interfering with our roof. We approached them about digging up dad's birch tree in the front garden, which he has been trying to remove under his own steam! They quoted us £60, but can't do it for a few weeks as they are tied up elsewhere on a big job. Did a bit of cooking in the afternoon. Finished off the leftovers from Wednesday's Indian takeaway for dinner. Watched a bit of telly before bed...

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