Tuesday 15 August 2023

Monday 14th August 2023

Fitful night's sleep...woke in the middle of the night with trapped wind! Aki got up around 0800 and brought me tea. Joined her downstairs for porridge. Dad drove off for his swim. Rather grey day, but the rain held off for most of the morning. Aki had a zoom call with Leia and family in Japan...they waved at ma and pa. Drove myself and Aki down to Waitrose in mum's VW Up! and did a shop...got cake ingredients, and bits and pieces for Wednesday's lunch. The rain was really coming down by the time we trundled the trolley across the car park to the car. Got back to High View just in time for lunch. Spent the afternoon in the kitchen. Cooked the chocolate and Guinness cake, made plum spoom with plums from the plum tree in the back garden, and put together a fish pie for dinner, which was accompanied by peas and carrots, followed by Waitrose tiramisu for dessert. Ordered Wednesday's Indian takeaway via Haveli's online ordering site. Sliced the top off the cake ready to take to Kath's tomorrow for decorating. Watched a bit of telly before shower and bed...

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