Wednesday 13 December 2023

Sunday 10th December 2023

Got up for an early breakfast, then set about tidying the flat and swapping the bedding. We are sleeping in the storage cupboard tonight! I prepared an apple crumble, and started cooking the chicken traybake, just as Bob and Charlotte arrived. I hastened out to stick a permit on the dashboard of their little sporty Mazda, but realised it was a match day, Arsenal Women due to host Chelsea this afternoon. I jumped in the passenger seat and guided Bob round to unrestricted parking north of Tollington Way. They were a bit earlier than expected, so had to wait a bit until food was served. We caught up over the dining table. They are planning on driving their huge camper van to France next year. We all headed into town after dark, getting out at Oxford Circus to see the Xmas lights…the place was heaving. Took a dive down an alley into Soho and popped into the Stones’ shop on Carnaby Street…the shop assistant tried to sell us a limited edition print of one of Ronnie Wood’s appalling paintings…for £2,000! 

Had a beer in the Sun & 13 Cantons in Bleak Street, then walked across to Ronnie Scott’s. Bob and Lottie’s son Sam’s swing band, The Big Easy, had gotten themselves a gig in the Upstairs bar. Very accomplished young sextet…I was particularly impressed by the guitarist. Excellent sounds. Aki pushed off early, as she has work tomorrow morning. Myself and our guests got in just before midnight…

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