Sunday 31 December 2023

Saturday 30th December 2023

Another night’s sleep disturbed by abdominal pain. Got up around 0930 and descended to the dining room for breakfast. Bob cooked us bacon and eggs, and Lottie offered up her chunky homemade bread, suitably browned in the toaster. Packed the car and set off for home. The satnav took us down to Leicester via the A46, where we joined a congested M1. Got home around 1430, stopping off at Cocoro in Highgate to pick up a sushi lunch. Flat was very cold, and the boiler pressure non existent. Filled the boiler then walked over to Safeguard on Holloway Road to make use of their DHL delivery and collection point, posting off our old iPhones in the hope that we’ll get some cash back in return. Walked down to Waitrose in the drizzle and did a shop. Back home, I took advantage of the fridge being empty to give the shelves and drawers a clean before we put our shopping in there. I cooked a cavolo nero and Parmesan sauce to have with gnocchi and nuts for dinner, with cheese and biscuits to follow. Watched “Crock of Gold”, the rock doc following the life and career of Shane MacGowan, deceased. It needed subtitles in order to get the gist of what the auld fella was slurring...he was introduced to beer at the age of six by an Irish uncle, and had basically been caning it ever since!!!

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