Got up and cooked breakfast...fried up some of the leftover nut roast, with scrambled egg and cured salmon. I spent most of the day taking my AER busking amp apart, determined to remove the dud battery packs to make the thing light enough to enable me to lift it into the car. Took ages to get the housing opened up, but I eventually managed to remove the 2x 2kg batteries, only to find that the amp didn't work...presumably the batteries form part of the overall circuit. So I had to open the thing up again to put the batteries back in place. I bumped into Kevin on my way to the DIY shop for advice, and he suggested I use his son's portable amp...we marched up to his house at No.93, and tried a small Fender practice amp, which wasn't in good nick, and a Stagg bass amp, which sounded OK. Kevin carried the latter back to our place, but I later resolved to stick with my AER as there wasn't much difference in comparative weight. I was exhausted by the time we got to bed...
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