Tuesday, 4 March 2025

Sunday 2nd March 2025

Woke around 0900. Aki got up and made tea, then cooked breakfast. I did a little work at the computer, tidying up the loose ends on the Peabody job. Aki cycled off to Rowing Club. I took a No.91 bus into town. Walked through Covent Garden to scout training shoes in Snow + Rock…have an appointment tomorrow afternoon for some gait analysis. Tried some Birkenstock shoes on, but they weren’t comfortable. Wandered over to Flitcroft Street to take a gander at Mick Jones’ Public Library of Rock ‘n Roll exhibition…looked like a load of old tat he’d collected over the last 50 years. I think most of it should have remained in his attic. 

Walked across to Foyles hoping to grab a bite to eat, but it was rammed…decided to take a No.29 bus home instead, getting off at Waitrose to buy some rolls. Got home ahead of Aki. Made myself an avocado and ham roll with a little side salad for lunch. Watched some FA Cup football. Phoned Kath to find her languishing in bed with a cold! Hope she’s feeling better by Thursday!!! Knocked up Carlos and Jane from No.36 and walked up to the Great Indian, a new eaterie on Sussex Way, for our dinner date. The pub refurbishment I thought rather ordinary, but the food wasn’t bad…we shared a platter, a lamb curry, and curried sea bass…desserts were good. Chatted about Carlos’s recent visit to Paris, and Jane’s trip home to New York. Got home in good time for bath and bed…

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