Wednesday, 29 January 2025

Sunday 26th January 2025

Woke around 0900. Aki brought me a mug of tea. Got up and cooked brunch. Grey day with occasional showers. Aki still coughing violently! Sat about reading, and listening to music. Phoned Kath...she has a job interview next week...bridal alterations...right up her street. Phoned ma and pa...they seemed OK. Sounded like dad has given up hand-sawing his own stair handrail for the front steps, and is looking to make a purchase instead. Sounds sensible! I cooked a spiced roast chicken with coconut gravy for dinner, and crispy roast potatoes with breadcrumbs, roast carrots, and spring greens. Chocolate brownie and ice cream for afters. Aki decided she was too ill to venture out tonight, so I travelled to Dalston alone. Queue was already building when I rocked up at Cafe Oto for Milkweed’s sell out gig. Managed to bag a seat and a beer…but gig didn’t start till 2045. Ten members took up their instruments, sat in a circle as if around a primitive campfire. The one-hour piece had been inspired by ancient Irish chronicles pertaining to the myths of Ulster. There was a theatrical undertow to the performance, and I really enjoyed the music…most of the time it sounded like the Velvet Underground trying to remember how to play All Tomorrow’s Parties whilst chemically inebriated…great stuff. Aki was out of the bath by the time I got home…I caught up with The Ten and a bit of MOTD before bath and bed…

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