Woke around 0830. Lazed in bed for a bit before getting up to cook breakfast. Pottered about not getting very much done. Phoned Vince to urge him to come round with his extendable auger…said he’d come around 1530. In the meantime we ran a desperately needed wash…emptying the washing machine waste into several buckets to throw down the loo! Vince eventually turned up with said extendable…and proceeded to saw off the kitchen sink waste at the elbow to minimise the number of awkward turns for the auger. Paul from No.27 came to give him a hand, bringing a drill that he attached to the auger to assist it’s travel…after about 15 minutes of vigorous rodding, something splattered its way out…god knows what it was! Didn’t smell bad, thankfully. Paul sloped off to cook some potatoes for his dinner, and we rewarded Vince with a well deserved cup of tea before seeing him off the premises. Aki cooked salmon for dinner, with haricot beans and creme fraiche. Washed up…in the sink! Watched Twin Peaks before bath and bed…
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