Saturday, 18 January 2025

Sunday 12th January 2025

Woke around 0830. Got up and made tea. Sink still blocked. Cooked brunch then headed for Stoke Newington on foot. Cold outside. My hands got cold, even with gloves on. Bought a tea at the cafe opposite the Tower Theatre, to warm my hands on. Colin Guthrie came out of the studio to get me, and I was surprised to find two other actors auditioning for Stubb…we auditioned in front of each other…very weird…typically amateur of the set up. Even more bizarrely, one of my competitors was the director’s fella, Paul, who I thought was co-writing the piece! I was singularly unimpressed! Nick Hall stood in as Ahab…he’s a good pick for the role. Walked to the bus stop afterward not too sure what to make of it…happy to play in the band, though, rather than play Stubb…we’ll see what transpires next! Got home well ahead of the congestion resulting from the Arsenal v Man Utd FA Cup game. Watched it on telly. 

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