Wednesday, 29 January 2025

Monday 27th January 2025

Aki up early to get herself to UCHL for an 0830 appointment with the audiologist. I got up and porridged after she’d set off. Worked at the computer until 1215, by which time a hungry Aki returned to make lunch. Did another hour at the chalk face. Cooked  a chicken and lentil dish for later in the week. Popped out to Waitrose to get some supplies. Kath rang to say she was worried that dad might have been scammed. Gave him a ring…he had received a message on his computer saying that Talktalk hadn’t received payment and his telephone and broadband provision had been cut off…he’d given his bank card details and provision seemed to have been restored…alarm bells rang when he confessed to having long ago ended his Talktalk contract! I urged him to phone his bank. Got a text from Kath later to say he’d been advised to cancel his bank card. Hope it all works out! Warmed up a vegetable lasagne for dinner. Watched a bit of telly before bath and bed…

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