Wednesday, 22 January 2025

Monday 20th January 2025

Woke around 0800. Took tea back to bed. Got up and porridged. Aki cycled off to Crouch End for her annual eye test at SpecSavers. I bought a hose clip from the boys at ImproMill, and came home to attach it to the washing machine waste pipe, and an adjacent copper pipe, in order to steady the former once the washing machine starts emptying. Took ages to tighten the clip screw…very awkward space to do DIY in! Made lunch while Aki on the phone to Hachan…she lost her mum last week, after a lengthy battle with dementia. Vince and Paul turned up early afternoon...Vince filled the hole in the floor beneath the kitchen sink. They vowed to return on Friday to start digging up the shower tray. Aki cooked a pork stir fry, with egg noodles. Watched a bit of telly. Aki had a zoom meeting, so I took the opportunity to watch episode 1 of The Traitors. 

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