Friday, 1 November 2024

Thursday 31st October 2024

Woke around 0845. Aki already up and working at the computer. I took tea back to bed and read some Toni Morrison. Got up and porridged. Sat about reading and listening to music. Lunch. More sitting about. Aki cycled off to the Rowing Club where she is part of the kitchen staff cooking up a fund raising dinner this evening. I warmed up some lamb stew for dinner then set off on foot for Stoke Newington. Had to dodge swarms of children dressed up for Halloween…their parents blocking the pavements! One or two balaclava clad youths chucking fireworks about! Got to the theatre in one piece. About 65 in tonight. No Peter Werth on drums, as he had his regular monthly jazz gig at Scolts Head tonight. End of first act went awry as the video pieces failed to connect sound wise…there were a couple of longer, as Laura, playing Mildred, evidently didn’t know what was going on for a minute or two! Stayed for a swift half with some of the girls after the show. Asked Miranda if she fancied getting involved with the proposed panto next year…see what happens. Took a No.106 bus home. Aki in the bath when I got in…

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