Sunday, 17 November 2024

Sunday 17th November 2024

Woke around 0900. Aki up to ready herself for Rowing Club. I got up to partake of her cooked breakfast before she cycled off. Wandered round to Selby’s to look at their Le Creuset casseroles…Aki fancies one for Xmas. Did some shopping in Waitrose then walked home via the DIY shop. Bought some clips to hang the Xmas lights we bought yesterday. Put them up in the front window when I got home. Lunch. Drove over to Stoke Newington to rehearse a couple of songs with Bee. Kath rang as I was driving. She said she was due to do an overnight sleepover with a client in Amble...but that her notes on the client mentioned occassional violent outbursts! She wasn't looking forward to it, naturally! Bee and I are planning to do She Moved Through the Fair, and I Inside the Old I Dying, for Gig Night. She loved the sound of the shruti box, and we went through a couple of other numbers too. Not in bad shape at this juncture. Drove home in the gloaming…raining a bit. Got home around 1630. Prepared dinner. Cooked Tuscan chicken with orzo. Finished off the pear tart for afters. Watched Wolf Hall. Rehearsed some Xmas songs on our ukuleles. Bath and bed...

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