Friday, 1 November 2024

Friday 1st November 2024

Woke around 0930. Got up and porridged. Ambled round to the health centre in Hornsey Street for another brief session on my frozen shoulder with the physio guy. All seems to be heading in the right direction. Bought some provisions in the Korean shop, and at Aldi, then headed home. Aki made vegetable soup for lunch, with Chinese steamed dumplings and kimchi. Had lemon pavlova, left over from the Rowing Club dinner last night, for afters. Played some guitar and sang a bit this afternoon. Warmed up the last of the lamb stew for dinner. Walked into Stoke Newington for a 1930 show. Full house...a lot of adults in, who were very vociferous...good fun show! Simona was in working the bar, so I stopped for a swift half after the show and a wee catch up...she's busy adapting "Vanity Fair" for her theatre company, Moving Parts. Caught a No.106 bus home...

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