Woke around 0800. Got up to unlock the garden gate, then got back into bed and dozed for a bit. Aki got up and made tea. I read some Toni Morrison in bed. Eventually got up and porridged. Pottered about. Did a little tidying up prior to our guests arriving on Thursday. Made lunch. Did a bit of research for up-coming festive season recipes. Warmed up the last of the fish pie for dinner, with spring greens and green beans. Headed off for Finsbury Park station on foot; took a Victoria Line train to Oxford Circus, and walked to Dean Street...managed to catch a glimpse of Oxford Street's Christmas lights. Rocked up at the Soho Theatre to see comedienne Natalie Palamides new show, "Weer". A full house enjoyed a rollicking evening's entertainment...a one-woman show in which Natalie plays a warring couple, being dressed on one side of her torso as a man, and as a woman on the other, constantly turning on a sixpence to deliver their respective lines. It was a master class of contemporary theatrical clowning that had us weeping with laughter, pretty much from start to finish...genius! She earned a well-deserved standing ovation afterward, and we staggered back out onto Dean Street, exhausted! Took a No.29 bus home from outside Foyles. Got home in time to watch The Ten. Surprised to hear Gary Lineker will be standing down as presenter of MOTD at the end of the season...the end of an era...hopefully that means we won't have to endure Alan Shearer for much longer! Bath and bed...
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