Monday 27 February 2023

Sunday 26th February 2023

Aki up and at ‘em…Rowing Club session this morning. I ambled round to Big Jo’s for coffee but it was rammed. Had coffee and a cinnamon bun in the Roasting Shed next door, instead. Listened to some Martin Jarvis reading “Right-ho, Jeeves”. Made a hefty lunch with fried polenta, sous vide, and avocado toast. Pottered about for most of the afternoon. Aki cooked a tomato and burrata curry with rice…very tasty. Watched “Aftersun”, voted best movie of 2022 in the Guardian. It was slow going, but nicely pitched realistic performances…Frankie Curio, the 12 year old, was terrific. Paul Mescal is up for a Best Actor Oscar...

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