Monday 27 February 2023

Monday 27th February 2023

Woke at 0800. Got up and made tea then settled in front of the computer for the morning. Porridged. Aki cooked ramen noodle soup with pork and half an egg in it. Walked up to Whittington Hospital for my blood test...taking a PSA reading. Had about a twenty minute wait. Walked back down Highgate Hill, and did some shopping for fruit in M&S, then walked home. Had to get back in the saddle, so worked until 1900. Aki warmed up the ancho chilli beef, which we had with fried polenta, sauerkraut, and vegetables. I cooked up some semolina pudding, which we had with black cherry sauce. Watched a very moving BBC Storyville documentary, taking 3 minutes of found footage from a Jewish village in Poland a year before the inhabitants were rounded up and trucked off to Treblinka. Cheered ourselves up with an episode of "Better Things". Listened to some Martin Jarvis reading "Right-ho, Jeeves" before shower and bed...

Sunday 26th February 2023

Aki up and at ‘em…Rowing Club session this morning. I ambled round to Big Jo’s for coffee but it was rammed. Had coffee and a cinnamon bun in the Roasting Shed next door, instead. Listened to some Martin Jarvis reading “Right-ho, Jeeves”. Made a hefty lunch with fried polenta, sous vide, and avocado toast. Pottered about for most of the afternoon. Aki cooked a tomato and burrata curry with rice…very tasty. Watched “Aftersun”, voted best movie of 2022 in the Guardian. It was slow going, but nicely pitched realistic performances…Frankie Curio, the 12 year old, was terrific. Paul Mescal is up for a Best Actor Oscar...

Saturday 25 February 2023

Saturday 25th February 2023

Woke around 0900. Hauled ourselves out of bed. Aki cooked a hearty brunch. Kath FaceTimed from ma and pa's, and we got sight of dad's swollen calf. Nice sunny day, so we hiked up Highgate Hill, picking up a loaf of sourdough at the Farmer's Market on the way. Had a coffee at Lauderdale House, then walked back down the hill to M&S in Archway...looking for sauerkraut. Didn't find what we wanted, so walked all the way down the Holloway Road to Waitrose. Watched a bit of rugby before I set about cooking the dinner...pan fried pork chops with sauerkraut and prunes, and polenta. It was a trifle disappointing. Creme caramel to follow. Watched the mind-blowing "Universe" with Brian Cox, and then the film "Mogul Mowgli", starring a terrific Riz Ahmed. Intriguing movie, which went off in a completely unexpected direction...very imaginatively directed. 

Friday 24 February 2023

Friday 24th February 2023

Woke a couple of times during the night, and it took a while to nod back off. Consequently, I got up late. Showered and went downstairs for breakfast. Chatty young chef on duty at the breakfast buffet...we conversed while he cooked my fried egg. He stated that he'd had several random jobs, and had previously worked at PetsRUs...I expressed the hope that none of the animals had been served up for breakfast! Mopped up the final external inspections in Chatham and Rochester. Had a late lunch sat in the car on Church Green again, overlooking the Medway, then drove to Morrisons to fill up the car with petrol for the drive home. Traffic very slow getting through the Blackwall Tunnel due to road works on the approach. Got home around 1630. Aki cooked mackerel in a miso paste, and served with rice and miso soup. Watched "Better Things" and "Seinfeld" before tuning in to the News, where they were marking the first anniversary of the Ukrainian invasion. Putin still spewing his filthy end in sight! 

Thursday 23rd February 2023

Fitful night's sleep following the discovery of my abdominal hernia...woke up and all my other hernia's seemed to have come out in sympathy. My bad inguinal hernia repair giving me much gip this morning...could hardly walk to the bathroom! Eventually got dressed and headed downstairs for breakfast. Focussed on internal inspections today, letters having been sent out to selected addresses last week. Managed to get in to about 20, which is good going. At one address on the Maidstone Road, the tenant was an old lady who came to the door with the help of a zimmer frame. I explained who I was and she let me in, retreating backwards with her support to her armchair in the rather dusty living-room. She must have been in her mid-80s, and said she was recovering from a recent operation. We got talking after she said she loved books, and spent most of her time reading, and we swapped our favourite reads, my having told her about the Sussex Way Book Club. On my mentioning Dickens, and having enjoyed reading David Copperfield, she offered me her copy of Pickwick Papers, which she retrieved from the nearby bookcase...I had to stop her giving me many more..."there's a couple of boxes of them upstairs"! Her name is Joy, and I thanked her, waving my new acquisition at her from the street outside as I walked away. Ate my lunch in the car park at Morrisons in Strood, and got back to the hotel around 1800. My laptop had run out of battery power, so I couldn't do any work. Drove to the Ship & Trades for my dinner...had the confit of duck...and finished reading "Labour of Love". The character I've been lined up to audition for by Simona has to age backwards to his 30 year old self...I think it requires a younger actor, as it's easier to age upward, rather than the reverse...I can't get rid of my old age spread and grey hair! 

Thursday 23 February 2023

Wednesday 22nd February 2023

Woke at 0745. Hauled myself out of bed and made tea. Porridged. Drizzling a bit outside, so Aki decided not to go rowing. I made a packed lunch, and headed off for north-west Kent. Stopped off at M&S in Strood, and picked up a coffee. Ate my lunch in the car at ASDA in Walderslade. Aki phoned to say she'd had a message from Kath that dad had collapsed in the bathroom last night. I rang mum. She said his bad leg had suddenly gone from underneath him, but that he had survived, and was upstairs working at his computer. Phew! Ended my inspections, and turned the car for Premier Inn, Gillingham. Checked in and did a little work at my laptop before driving to the Ship & Trades for my dinner. Had mushrooms on toast to start, followed by beef and onion pie and mash. Hightailed it out of there before I could order dessert. Bought some milk in the Co-op next door then drove back to the hotel. FaceTimed Aki and watched a bit of The Piano...we both had to find tissues when the little blind girl played some Chopin...moving stuff! TV in the room then started to play silly buggers, so had to watch The News on my laptop. As I got into bed, I discovered a sizeable new (I say new, but it's probably been there for ages), abdominal hernia! I'll have to visit the GP again...

Tuesday 21 February 2023

Tuesday 21st February 2023

Woke around 0830. Got up to make pancakes, which we had with a chocolate tahini sauce, banana, and cinnamon honey. Managed an hour or so at the computer. Threw a packed lunch in a tupperware box and headed south-eastward to finish the inspections I'd been doing yesterday. Took me to Clapton, then on down toward Hackney Wick, Shoreditch, and ended up at the Limehouse Basin. Ate my lunch in the car on Horseferry Road. Happened upon Gordon Ramsey's Bread restaurant on the river front...wouldn't have gotten much for my £10 lunch allowance! Got home about 1615. Did a couple of hours at the laptop. Ma and pa Facetimed us on the occassion of dad's 93rd birthday...Kath was there doing the cooking, and Jim and Emma were expected. He seemed happy with his least the oven gloves will keep him warm. Aki cooked pasta and a carbonara sauce, which we ate with green beans. Watched a programme about pooh...which seemed pertinent at the moment, given my occassional troubles. Caught the second half of a moving Panorama programme, made up of various video diaries filmed by participants in Ukraine's fight against the Russian fascists. 

Monday 20 February 2023

Monday 20th February 2023

Woke just before 0800. Got up and made tea. Did some work at the computer for an hour or so. Porridged. Threw a ham salad packed lunch together and hit the road. Headed to manor House first to get petrol, and pick up some items from Sainsburys, before heading west to Camden Town. Couldn't get parked on the street near the target property for movie or TV film unit vans and lorries. Don't know what they were filming. Headed for Kilburn, then north to Hampstead. Stopped at Tesco in Brent Cross and ate my lunch in the car in the car park. After driving to Wembley, I turned eastward to Enfield and Ponders End...had a unit in the new build development near Ponders End station, on the former Council estate where I had undertaken countless leasehold buyback valuations and inspections to facilitate the demolition of the estate. My inspections took me east of Ilford, and I ended the working day in Walthamstow. Got home around 1830. Aki warmed up the chilli beef and butternut squash stew, which we ate with potatoes and vegetables. I worked at the computer until 2130. Watched the News. Pretty depressing stuff....Ukraine War one year on, Nicola Bulley's body found in the River Wyre three weeks after she disappeared, another big quake in Turkey! Bath and bed...

Sunday 19 February 2023

Sunday 19th February 2023

Woke around 0830. Read in bed for a bit...finished "A Burning" was deceptively simple...well crafted, the short chapters very cleverly ordered, and an easy read. A depressing tale, though, of Hindu nationalism that is all too real with Modi in charge. Porridged for breakfast. Aki cycled off to Rowing Club. As a much needed antidote to "A Burning", I started almost immediately on the next read, P.G.Wodehouse and "Right-ho, Jeeves" I began, I could hear Martin Jarvis's dulcet tones ringing in my ears, so downloaded his audio book version and enjoyed a listen. Did some exercises. Aki rang to say she'd have her lunch at the cafe next door to the boathouse, so I cooked myself a sizeable brunch centred around potato rosti and poached egg, ham, and halloumi cheese. Phoned ma and pa when Aki got back...they seem fine. Dad gearing up to cook pancakes on Tuesday, mostly in celebration of his 93rd! Went for a walk in what was left of the sunshine. Knocked at Helen and Martin's on Fairbridge Road and had a wee chat on the doorstep, then walked home. I did a couple of hours work at the computer trying in vain to finish writing up last week's inspections. Aki warmed up the aubergine parmigiana lasagne for dinner, with vegetables, followed by cheese and biscuits. Watched the amazing Jodie Cromer, and Stephen Graham, in "Help", a powerful and moving drama centred around a young carer trying to cope as the pandemic hits the care home she's working in...brought tears to the eyes! 

Saturday 18th February 2023

Woke around 0900. Got up and cooked Turkish eggs for breakfast with garlic infused yogurt and chilli oil, with a salad, and toast. Read a bit more of "A Burning", and practised a couple of Scottish tunes before heading out for a walk. Hiked up to Crouch End, crossing the old railway line via a footbridge, and then wandered around the centre of Crouch End window shopping. Don't know what's happened to the refurbishment of the famous old town looks to have come to an incomplete was meant to re-open with much fanfare in 2021...depressing! Walked back down Mountview Road to Stroud Green and did a little shopping in Tescos, then headed for home. Bumped into Dave and Lou in their front garden at No.19, and stopped for a brief chat. Back home, I prepared the stewing beef, and made a tomato and ancho chilli cooking sauce, which all went into a casserole for a couple of hours...added butternut squash, and a can of kidney beans for the last 30 minutes of cooking, and served it up with orzo and peas, avocado and yoghurt...yum! creme caramel to follow. Watched "The Banshees of Inisherin"...beautifully crafted black comedy from the prolific Martin McDonagh, with great performances from Brandan Gleeson, and Colin Farrell. A young Barry Keoghan almost steals the show, though! Watched MOTD before bath and bed...Arsenal back on top of the table after Man City could only draw with Forest.

Friday 17 February 2023

Friday 17th February 2023

Woke around 0830 and hauled myself out of bed. Made tea, then sat at the computer to upload the photos I'd taken over the last two days, and write up the inspection sheets. Aki popped out to Waitrose to shop a couple of items she'd received vouchers for. Broke for lunch...Aki made a celeriac remoulade, which went well with salad and fried halloumi cheese. Worked at the computer for the remainder of the afternoon. Broke at 1830 for dinner. Aki cooked pan fried sea bass, which we had with bulgar wheat, and tasty vegetables. Watched "Better Things", and "Last Man on Earth"...three episodes in, the latter is just beginning to warm up...snappy script kept us laughing. Practised a couple of fiddle tunes on guitar and mandolin. Shower and bed...

Thursday 16th February 2023

Woke to alarm at 0730. Got up and took a shower before dressing and heading downstairs for breakfast. Did half-an-hour's work at the laptop afterwards, then packed and checked out. Walked down the hill to the car, and headed back to Strood. Picked up a coffee at Starbucks, and some lunch items at M&S. Took my lunch break on Church Green again, near All Saints church. Had a wee stroll after lunch, taking my binoculars...spotted a submarine in the estuary. Eventually finished the Strood inspections, and ended the working day on a vast council estate in south-east Rochester. Turned for home at 1630. Traffic on the Blackwall Tunnel Approach was virtually at a standstill, and it took a while to get through Hackney, too. Got home at 1845. Aki had cooked an aubergine parmigiana lasagne for dinner, which we had with broccoli. We were too tired to get off the sofa...had planned to go to a blues night at Islington Folk Club, but watched a bit of telly instead.

Wednesday 15th February 2023

Woke around 0730, but dozed to the radio until 0800. Got up and abluted, then went downstairs for breakfast. Headed back out toward Strood, where I picked up a coffee, and bought some lunch items in M&S. Mopped up some of the outlying villages, mostly in Hoo, before returning to take a bite out of the Hoo stock Had my lunch in the car on Church Green, which affords a spectacular view of Rochester cathedral, and castle, across the Medway estuary, and walked up a striking tree-lined lane to All Saints church. Spent the remainder of the working day plugging away at the Strood stock, then drove back to Maidstone. No room in the Premier Inn car park again, so drove back down the hill and sat in the car listening to the News. Walked across the footbridge over the Medway, and past some ancient looking buildings, climbing up into the town centre. Ended up at a bistro next door to the rather quaint Hazlitt theatre in the town centre. Friendly staff, and the food wasn't bad. Creamy mushrooms on toast to start, followed by roast leg of rabbit with potatoes and green beans in a light mustard sauce. They had a bloke playing guitar in there, singing gentle cover versions of recognisable hits from yesteryear....nice voice. Walked back to the car and picked up my stocklists, then headed back up the hill to the Premier Inn. Listened to the R5Live! commentary on the Arsenal v Man City game...Man City won 3-1, knocking the Gooners off top spot!

Tuesday 14th February 2023

Got up around 0630 and put Aki’s Valentine card, mini bottle of Prosecco, and chocolates out on the kitchen workshop before getting back into bed. Got up again at 0830 for porridge. Aki popped out to the GP clinic to see the nurse about her ear. I packed a bag. Drove off to Manor House for petrol, then on to Strood, where I stopped to pick up a sandwich for lunch. I ate in the car in the Morrison’s car park, then headed for various villages on the Isle of Grain. Finished in Wainscott, at dusk, and drove the St Mary’s Island and bought a takeaway fish supper, which I ate in the car overlooking the marina. Drove to Maidstone. Got to the Premier Inn, which is located on a busy gyratory...I went round three times before I managed to discern the un-signposted vehicular entrance. The hotel is partially swathed in scaffolding, under-going some kind of refurbishment, and half the car park has been lost to portacabins etc...needless to say, there was nowhere to park. I parked up directly in front of the main entrance, blocking in a couple of vehicles...but I needed to get checked in. No-one on the desk, so checked in via the machine, got my key, and went up to dump my baggage in the room before returning to the car. I got directions to alternative car parking near the river, which meant another trek around the one way system. Walked back up the hill with the remainder of my baggage, and shut myself in my room for the night...

Monday 13 February 2023

Monday 13th February 2023

Woke around 0800. Got up and porridged. Set to work at the computer for a couple of hours, before walking round to the GP surgery to pick up the blood test form I'd requested on Tuesday. Did a little shopping before returning home to the computer. Broke at 1330 and made us some lunch. Cooked scallops which we had with crab pate on toast and some salad. Worked until 1830. Aki warmed up the chicken and tahini traybake I'd made on Saturday, and cooked some bulgar wheat to go with it, flavoured with caramelised onion and mushrooms. Watched a bit of telly. Enjoyed the first episode of "Lockwood & Co", a snappy script and entertaining performances from a youthful cast. The late night news programmes all marked a week since the devastating earthquake hit Turkey and northern Syria. The death toll mounts daily. Bath and bed...

Sunday 12 February 2023

Sunday 12th February 2023

Aki woke to alarm at 0730 and readied herself for Rowing Club. I followed shortly thereafter. We porridged for breakfast. Aki cycled off and I decided to take a hike up Highgate Hill. Had myself a coffee at Archies and read some of "A Burning" before marching down the hill again to M&S to buy some chocolates and a miniature bottle of prosecco to hide away until Tuesday morning. Bought some crab pate and a couple of crab terrines to have for lunch, and bought some vanilla custard in the Co-op. Got home and prepared lunch. Aki got back around 1400 and we ate. Phoned ma and pa. They were entertaining themselves in the computer room, and seemed in fine fettle. They told us that Jim had swapped his Audi for a Mini automatic, which they are to have adapted so that Emma can use the steering wheel with one hand. Her surgery has proved unsuccessful, as the wire inserted into her back has caused some inflammation. One step forward, two steps back! Walked up to the North 19 with our instruments and hooked up with Ben (violin), Lorraine (violin), Celia (accordion), George (flute), and Katherine (cello) in the back bar. Aki strummed guitar, and I played mandolin. Christine (violin) unable to join us, as she had tested positive for covid! Spent an enjoyable two hours plugging away at several Scottish tunes, and I sang The Star of the County Down...don't know what the poor fella in there watching the England v Italy rugby match made of it! We repaired to Katherine and George's at No.127 for some supper. They had slow-cookered a dish comprising largely of black beans, which was served up with rice and cabbage, and a dollop of yoghurt, followed by a creamy yoghurt blueberry pudding. We chatted a bit about the direction of the troupe, and decided we needed to learn some tunes off-by-heart before we could feel comfortable about turning up to perform elsewhere...see what happens. Walked back home and watched the very entertaining Guy Martin get to grips with the National Grid, and I stayed up to catch MOTD2. Rashford scored again today...the boy's on fire!

Saturday 11 February 2023

Saturday 11th February 2023

Woke at 0930. Got up and made tea. Aki put some laundry in, while I cooked up a tasty brunch. Went for a walk up Highgate Hill, stopping off at Yerbury Farmer's Market to pick up a square tinned sourdough. Had a coffee at Lauderdale House, then walked back down the hill to do a little shop in M&S. Back home, watched the Ireland v France rugby was terrific stuff, with Ireland coming out on top in the second half. I cooked a chicken and tahini traybake for dinner, with a tahini sauce, sauteed potatoes, and vegetables. It was very tasty. Watched Florence Pugh in "The Wonder" atmospheric movie set in rural Ireland in the aftermath of the Great Famine, focussing on a young girl who had been reported to to the RC authorities as a possible miracle, having not eaten for four months. Florence was as luminous as ever...

Friday 10th February 2023

Alarm at 0730. Aki got up and dressed to ready herself for a cycle ride to Southwark. I dozed to the Today Programme. Got up and made tea and porridge. Martin and Helen cycled down from Fairbridge Road to hook up with Aki, and they cycled off to some product fair south of the river. I worked at the computer for the remainder of the morning. Broke at lunch time. Made myself some lunch, thinking Aki would be taking advantage of Borough Market...but she turned up looking hungry as I was finishing. Made her some lunch and then watched the BBC documentary on Duleep Singh, whose portrait I had come across at Elveden yesterday. He was basically dethroned by British invasion forces, and forcibly separated from his mother...he was ten years old at the time. Eventually, in his mid-teens, he was brought to England, where he charmed Queen Victoria and was given Elveden Hall by the India Office, and money to do it up, which he did with some extraordinary eastern flourishes...pity it's not open to the public. In the end he became embittered, and exiled himself to France with the intention of enlisting the help of the Russian Tzar to re-take the Punjab, but it came to nought, and he died in Paris in his mid-fifties. Managed a few more hours at the computer before breaking to make dinner...had pasta with a pizzaiola sauce and lots of parmesan, followed by Aki's rhubarb crumble and the last of the creme fraiche. Watched a bit of telly before shower and bed...

Thursday 9 February 2023

Thursday 9th February 2023

Woke to alarm at 0730. Hauled myself out of bed to make tea, and stuck the Today Programme on. Descended for breakfast, and were met by Sam, the General Manager's mum, who prepared our continental style breakfast for us. It was vast! A large bowl of toasted granola with thick, creamy yoghurt, sliced banana and blueberries, toasted brown brown bread the size of doorstoppers, ham, salami, and chorizo, and pain au chocolat! We could hardly get back upstairs afterward. Packed our bags and checked out at 0930. Made another attempt at Foulsham...yesterday's road closure had been lifted, and we got there without difficulty, then headed eastward, stopping in Wroxham to use the facilities. The village is the centre of the Norfolk Broads holiday cruise empire. There's a huge car park bordering the marina, which is full of motor boats awaiting their tenants. The village is dominated by Roy's Department store, established in the village in 1895. Aki picked up a birthday present for Johnners. Got back in the car to pick up the last of my inspections in Hevingham, then turned for home. Stopped at the Elveden Estate farm shop and restaurant for lunch. There was a huge painting of a fellow in Indian garb on the wall, and I asked the waitress if it was her turned out to be Maharaja Duleep Singh, who had owned the place, having been parted from his mother by the invading British as a five year old, and brought to England and billeted with an Army surgeon. He became a favourite of Queen Victoria, who presumably granted him the Elveden Estate, and it seems he and his off-spring had much influence over Norfolk and Suffolk. Drove on home, getting back around 1700. Unpacked the car. I uploaded my photos and Aki warmed up the mapo, which we ate with rice, and green beans. Watched "Better Things" before bath and bed...

Wednesday 8th February 2023

Woke around 0800. Got up and got ourselves presentable before going down for breakfast. Aki had a continental breakfast, I had the full English. Filled our water bottles and went back upstairs to pack our bags. Checked out just before 1000 and walked up Duke Street to the multi-storey car park. Aki decided to come with me rather than idle away her day in Norwich, which would have meant finding a bus to take her to Reepham this afternoon. Drove north-eastward out of the city, before turning westward, and taking in a few villages before getting to Reepham in time for lunch. I parked up outside The Dial House, where we are due to stay tonight, but it didn't appear open for lunch. Walked up Station Road and found the Station Cafe, situated on the long-disused platform of Reepham railway station. It was packed. Had our lunch. I left Aki to explore the gift shop, and walked back to the car. Aimed for Foulsham, but the road was closed. I followed the diversion signs, but they took me further and further away from my destination. Ended up in Cawston, where there were properties to look at, and finished up in Aylsham, before turning back toward Reepham. Aki had managed to get into our room. The hotel is a boutique affair in a building dated 1728. There is a large sundial on the front of the building, but whether it was there when the property was built, we don't know. Very quirky building. We are in the Print Room, the yellow painted walls covered in framed Georgian era prints. I uploaded my photos onto my laptop, and watched the News, before descending for dinner. I went with smoked haddock, leek and potato soup, with a poached egg, followed by chicken in a mushroom and truffle sauce, with grilled hispi cabbage on the side, and hazelnut creme brulee with banana ice cream for afters. Pleasant, chatty couple in the dining room...they are staying for a week while work is done on their house! Got back to the room in time to catch the second half of the Sunderland v Fulham FA Cup replay...we played really well, and Jack Clarke stuck in a superb equaliser, but we went down to two late goals. 

Tuesday 7th February 2023

Alarm at 0730. Got up and breakfasted. Packed an overnight bag, and loaded the car, before we headed north-eastward to Norwich. Stopped at Birchanger service station on the M11 for coffee, then continued on our way. Got to Norwich in time for a late lunch at John Lewis's. Left Aki in the cafe with instructions on how to get to the Premier Inn on Duke Street, and headed east to villages on the Great Yarmouth road, then turned northward to Salhouse, and Rackheath. Stopped to use the facilities at the Tesco superstore in Spixworth. Got to St Andrews car park on Duke Street around 1730. Aki had already checked in, and I found her in room 301. I managed a bit of work at the laptop. We had a table booked at Farmyard for 1900. Very cold outside. Temperatures due to drop below freezing tonight. Enjoyed our dinner. I had crispy chicken wanton in a chicken broth to start, followed by baked cod with a champagne and caviar sauce, with leeks and chips, and a delicate mille feuille for afters. Walked back to the hotel feeling very sated. Got back to the room in time to catch the second half of the Sheffield United v Wrexham FA Cup replay...Wrexham missed a penalty which would have put them 2-1 up, and went on to lose to two late goals from The Blades. Watched more harrowing footage from the Turkish earthquake zone...the devastation covers a vast area. We sent some money via Action Aid. Bath and bed...

Monday 6 February 2023

Monday 6th February 2023

Woke around 0845. Aki got up and made tea...I stayed in bed and did a little reading. Eventually got up and breakfasted, before sitting at the computer for the remainder of the morning. Broke for lunch. Aki cooked up a tasty noodle soup with a poached egg in it. Worked through until 1830. Watched news of the devastating Turkish earthquake...people had no chance of escaping as it struck in the early hours of the morning. There are many dead. Lethal after shocks followed. DEC monitoring the situation, but have yet to set up an Appeal. Aki warmed up the mapo and rice for dinner. Watched an interesting documentary staking out Putin's slow burn war with The West. Sadly, the Europeans were unable to come up with a unified response to his 2014 invasion of Crimea, and so we are where we are! Bath and abed...

Sunday 5 February 2023

Sunday 5th February 2023

Woke just before 0900. Got up to make tea, which we drank in bed. Aki eventually rose to make breakfast...omelette and side salad. Sat and read "A Burning"'s very easy to read, and I feel like I'm zipping through it. Cycled off to Stoke Newington at 1415. I'm on the General Company Auditions Panel again. Got there a little bought tea and a doughnut from the cafe across the road...needed to warm my hands on something after the cycle ride! Two elder members of the Tower shared panel duties with me, Peter, and Richard, neither of whom I'd come across before. Stephen Brasher joined us, too, as there were only three auditionees. Two weren't bad and were urged to join our burgeoning throng, but Claudia, an Italian with a heavy accent, failed on this showing...needs a bit of coaching, methinks, before she tries again! I cycled home through Clissold Park. Cooked roast chicken legs on a trivet of soffrito, which I then used in aid of making a gravy. Roast potatoes, shallots and garlic cloves, with broccoli and carrot on the side, followed by the last of the strawberry sponge cake Aki had taken to Katrina's birthday bash on Wednesday night. FaceTimed Kath, who was at mum and dad's celebrating her 62nd birthday. Dad was cooking a beef curry, with homemade naan breads! Listened to some music...Pacific Walker are a new discovery...intriguing, beguiling. Watched the last ever episode of "Happy Valley"...rather unexpected ending, with the baddie almost finding redemption at PC Cawood's kitchen table before setting himself alight...all rather unbelievable, in the final analysis.

Saturday 4 February 2023

Saturday 4th February 2023

Woke around 0830 after a somewhat fitful night's sleep. Aki still coughing a bit, so got up and made her tea with lemon and honey. Sat up in bed reading for a bit before getting up to cook brunch. Ventured out for some exercise…we walked down to Highbury Fields, then back up Highbury Grove, past my old bed sit at No.5, and stopped for coffee and cake at a little cafe in Highbury Barn. Walked back home via Morrisons…longest checkout queues I’ve ever seen! Nodded off on the sofa watching the England v Scotland rugby match…Aki cooked mapo and rice for dinner. 

Drove to Stoke Newington and parked up outside the theatre. Bumped into Phil Ley in the bar and had a catch up. Saw a Samuel Beckett double bill, the first a short three hander with the actors stood in bins with only their heads visible…and the second a radio play delivered via microphones from the dressing room whilst we gazed on an empty stage for an hour…the polar opposite of last night’s spectacular!!! Repaired to the bar afterwards and enjoyed a drink with Phil and said hello to Julia, who was in the first piece...she had been in our Ayckbourn production. She did a good job in straiteneed circumstances. Drove home for MOTD…

Friday 3rd February 2023

Woke around 0800. Got up at 0830 and made tea. Aki still feeling under the weather, so took her a mug of tea and lemon. Porridged. Sat at the computer all morning. Broke to make lunch at 1300, then back at the chalk face. Aki prepared dinner…warming up the cod I’d baked t’other day, and adding potatoes, leeks and mushrooms. Then headed for the Barbican, taking bus and tube. 

Saw an extraordinary triptych by Belgian dance theatre company, Peeping Tom…three related pieces of inspired theatricality and superhuman physicality set aboard a slowly sinking cruise ship that seemingly floats into a medieval vision of hell. The final piece is danced on a floor covered in several inches of water. All the dancers seemed double-jointed, permitting them to achieve mind boggling feats with swirling arms and legs…we even sat through two intriguing set changes which were punctuated with performance, even though most of the audience had popped out for the interval…an astonishing evening’s spectacle! Got home around 2230 and watched a bit of Graham Norton's show before shower and bed...

Thursday 2 February 2023

Thursday 2nd February 2023

Alarm at 0730. Aki got up and made tea. I was still in bed when the doorbell was the boiler engineer. Aki had arranged an 0830 appointment, so he caught us out by turning up half-an-hour early! He had a tinker about with the boiler, and one or two of the thermostatic valves on the radiators. He seemed to think there may be some trapped air in the underfloor heating system...told us to keep an eye on things and report back. I worked at the computer for a few hours before breaking to make lunch. Popped out to the chemist across the road to pick up a prescription for Aki. Went to Tesco to get some skimmed milk, but ended up buying a couple of items for the girl who sits outside selling the Big Issue. Aki gave her one of her old padded coats last week, so I said hello and asked if she needed anything from the shop...she requested some spray for the bathroom! In the event, I didn't know whether she meant nice smelling spray for the cloakroom, or a disinfectant bought her both! 

Managed a bit more work at the computer in the afternoon, before breaking to head for Battersea Arts Centre. Oily Cart, my last professional theatre job in 2006, were having a do to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the company's inception. Aki still feeling under the weather, so I went alone. Got there about 1845, and found Bob Karper in the bar, and we went upstairs for the party. They had decked out a rather majestic old room on the first floor with arty hanging installations, cabaret style tables, and a small stage. We were greeted at the door by Griff Fender, and Mark, who I'd worked with on "Blue"...they were costumed up, and acted as joint MC's during the course of the entertainment. Jacques turned up...hadn't seen him since my 60th birthday party bash. Had a brief chat with Max, one of the three founder members, and then sat down for the entertainment. 

It was a fun evening. Got to catch up with Amanda, another of the retired founder members, and the principle set and costume designer over the many years of work. Left without getting a chance to say hello to her husband, Tim, who was the erstwhile AD, but promised her I'd call in for a cuppa tea when next passing their pad in Acton. Got the train and tube back home with in at 2245. Watched the tail end of a documentary on a missing person case...this chap had disappeared from an address in Archway 12 years ago. They reckoned he'd been involved with the local drug scene, and had been murdered, his body dumped in Epping Forest. Shower and bed...

Wednesday 1 February 2023

Wednesday 1st February 2023

Woke around 0800...slow start. Got up around 0845 to make porridge, after having a mug of tea in bed. Did an hour at the computer, then made a packed lunch and headed out east. Stopped off in Walthamstow, and shopped for some lunch items in Wood Street Food Hall, and got a coffee in Dudley's. Headed down to Leyton, then across to Leytonstone, and had my lunch in Tesco's car park. Ended the day in Poplar, then headed for home. Got in around 1700. Managed an hour's work. Aki had made a strawberry sponge cake to mark Katrina's birthday, and we set off in the car at 1830. Traffic was bad, so didn't get to Clapton until about 1930. Katrina had guests. Lesley, who lives round the corner, Keith, an old college chum who had come down from Consett, and Debbie, who has been working on the "Vera" production team, but lives in Whitstable. Pleasant evening chatting, drinking, and eating. Katrina had made a pickled red cabbage soup with walnuts, which she served with scalded rye bread. Cheese and biscuits to follow, then we stuck an indoor firework in the strawberry sponge cake and sang "Happy Birthday". Left them all to it at about 2230 and drove home. Shower and bed...