Tuesday 16 February 2021

Tuesday 16th February 2021

Another long day in the saddle. Managed to leave the flat earlier than usual, and headed for Barking, then stopped off at the Service Station on the M25, just north of the Dartford Crossing. Grabbed a coffee, and drove over the bridge. I was making good time until all lanes were brought to a standstill just west of Medway Services. Didn't move from thence for two-and-three-quarter hours! There was a big smash a few hundred yards further east, and I guess the Air Ambulance was called, as the west bound carriageway was closed too. So no chance of completing my planned inspections today. Finished in Dover at 1615 and drove home. Rained most of the day...driving conditions were fairly appalling. Drove past another accident on the eastbound carriageway on the drive home! Carnage!!! Stopped for a sandwich at Medway Services. Got home around 1900 and warmed up the dinner. Made pancakes for pudding!

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